which has invited visitors to tie their wishes to it for decades; the Guerrilla Girls and their decades-old billboards calling women’s underrepresentation in the art world which are unfortunately still all too timely; and newcomers like Reed van Brunschot, whose oversized “Thank You” bags ad...
oh my goodness this is excellent, thank you. September 29th, 2014 / 1:22 pm Loch Ness— Nice to understand 4chan a bit better. Cheers. September 29th, 2014 / 2:46 pm Andrew Sargus Klein— Good media critique here, always helpful to add some nuance to something as shady and hard...
tritonis CYP450s were subjected to Multi- ple Expectation Maximization for Motif Elicitation (MEME, http://m eme-s uite.o rg/) (Bailey et al. 2009) analysis for iden- tification of conserved motifs. The consensus sequences of the heme-binding region, also known as 'P450...
Thank you for supporting our journalism.) BEFORE YOU GO We might not have Siri or Alexa without her. Psychologist and computer science researcher Ann Syrdal, who passed away last month, was a pioneer in developing synthetic voices that sounded like women. A key innovation was to abandon ...
Thank you.the_druid_droid 2011-12-30, 01:59 AM This appears relevant. (Oldie but goodie, large) http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/264/6/6/my_little_pony_star_wars_by_raikoh14-d4ahp8w.jpg Preeeeettyyyyy! The only reason I support the whole Candle Jack meme is because I ...
Have one (http://lh6.googleusercontent.com/_THRVNyZ8xf0/TbFTvCFELvI/AAAAAAAABas/3RaVVEnJms0/my_little_pony_meme_by_gothzilla_alena-d38os5c.jpg) two (http://lh4.googleusercontent.com/_THRVNyZ8xf0/TbFTvRf19mI/AAAAAAAABaw/glvBh-QkZ-c/mlp_friendship_is_magic_meme_by_peppersupreme-...
Welcome to my positive sailgrams. When I need a little inspiration, this is where I come to recharge my batteries. If you want more inspiration, you can visit my Instagram page which is my meme storage facility.CAPTAIN DAVE HAS WRITTEN 12 BOOKS THAT YOU NEED TO HAVE IN YOUR MINDCaptain ...
Musa was kidnapped by the Bolsheviks a second time. This time, he paid up immediately. Musa, like most wealthy peasants after 1917, was stripped of his fortune, but not before he received a note from Comrade Stalin that read, “Thank you for your generous contributions to the revolution.”...
Know Your Meme: Ponies! (http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic) Allspark MLP Discussion Thread (http://www.allspark.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=76678&st=0&start=0) Art Resources OC Pony Creation Guide: ...