捷安特 GIANT 11款 TALON 3 车架 拷贝XTC FR设计 替代ATX PRO 这架怎么样啊,有没有pro好? 09pro比07pro好么?请教各位大婶! 分享91 山地车吧 公爵我来操 【专利】捷安特、美利达、SRAM等大厂的真实专利情况一览...先上捷安特,图中红框框内为专利种类及数量。可以看到,自1993年至今,捷安特申请并公布的所有专利...
Flood Talon - The main weapon of the Flood players in the Flood multiplayer gametype. Functions exactly like the Energy Sword (with infinite ammo). Armor Abilities Armor Abilities are re-usable active abilities (introduced in Halo: Reach) that must be re-charged over time after every use. Un...
Two E3 ubiquitin ligases, termed Suppressor of deltex (Su(dx)) and Deltex (Dx), regulate the endocytosis of Notch and also its subsequent incorporation into ILVs [24]. Over-expression of Su(dx) promotes Clathrin-independent endocytosis of Notch and its subsequent incorporation into ILVs [24,2...
I forgot a lot of characters who I don't really care about but I also somehow forgot Malzahar and Talon (JUNGLE TALON MAN) and Trundle. Also I am interested in what people think of my ward rework, it was at the end of the last thread in an edit so: also I was thinking, right ...