TRANCE ADVANCED PRO 29 FF 車架 Regular PriceHK$25,800.00Sale PriceHK$19,350.00 送貨服務/ DELIVERY SERVICE Image not found TALON 4 27.5 Regular PriceHK$4,050.00Sale PriceHK$3,037.50 送貨服務/ DELIVERY SERVICE Image not found XTC ADVANCED 29 1 Out of stock Image not found XTC ADVANCED 27.5...
性价比极高,捷安特talon 1山地车,29寸轮径单盘禧玛诺Deore套件 8571 23 6:34 App 粉丝福利3993块钱装一辆全新29寸桶轴气叉山地车 1.3万 12 1:53 App 公路车转山地车 提车 ——xtc slr 29 1 3424 3 2:07 App 新装了中奖者的山地车29寸 5239 11 1:51 App 29寸山地也可以顺手 9964 1 9:35 ...
Highlights of the TALON E+ 1 CORE 29" 500Wh - MTB E-Bike - 2024 Smooth Power Delivery - SyncDrive Core motor technology delivers smooth, instant power to conquer all types of terrain and have more fun. Balanced, confident handling - The lightweight aluminum frame with trail-friendly geometr...
Giant Talon 3 27.5 说明书
12TALON77012TALON75012ATX79012ATX770-D12A12TX12&12T12AL12O11N11系11列11ATX770ATX750ATX730ATX690-DATX690ATX670ATX660ATX790ATX770-DATX770 11追逐者51610追逐者51011MTX54011火焰1.011熔岩53012MEME09MEME211MEME311MECARL.E11MELAND.E11妃纱11妃纱-FS11蜜糖11蜜糖2蜜糖3TCRWOCRWXTC790WXTC850WXTCW...
talon 29er 1? kfz_007 弯道称霸 9 奇葩的角度~~ 塔利班的毛绒兔 全程漂移 10 这。。。17度把立欢迎你。。 XDany_ 硬叉硬尾 12 高富帅 萌芽骑行团 全程漂移 10 我骑过。确实舒服 欠的只是安静 50巡航 7 这得多少钱? 光的深处94 小吧主 13 XC好像29er很有优势,最近很兴这个...
这是本人用TALON越野时的视频剪图!强度还是可以的!样子也行毕竟和2000块的FR一样的样子!可怜的是重量,4斤+。。。入门级车手能玩坏也能难了 回复 5楼 2013-02-13 22:16 举报 | 来自Android客户端 断魂狂龙 人气楷模 12 比较蛋疼的车架 回复 6楼 2013-02-13 22:17 举报 | 单车贵族ding 人气楷模 ...
The Oak Park Talon 3 March 09, 2001 March 9, 2001 “Obey: Giant” Fad Takes Over American Teens By Dan Wedge Any person living in Oak Park, assuming the have not been living under a rock or in a hole, surely, upon sight, would recognize the leering face of “The Giant.” The ...
substantially less crenulation in its trigon, whereas its talon has achieved the level of complexity seen in those from Lufeng and Shuitangba. The overall proportion of the Shuitangba M2 is slightly more elongated than in the Lufeng sample and the elevated talon anterocentrally is not seen in...
赢了_D_急诊室:: 通往天堂的漫长道路3/5(WON_D_ER :: A Long Road to Heaven 3/5) 巨爪29急诊室& 雷尼尔29急诊室(Giant Talon 29er & Rainier 29er) 介绍国歌X29铒钨(Introducing the Anthem X 29er W) 开发XTC高级SL29急诊室(Developing the XtC Advanced SL 29er) ...