这是本人用TALON越野时的视频剪图!强度还是可以的!样子也行毕竟和2000块的FR一样的样子!可怜的是重量,4斤+。。。入门级车手能玩坏也能难了 回复 5楼 2013-02-13 22:16 举报 | 来自Android客户端 断魂狂龙 人气楷模 12 比较蛋疼的车架 回复 6楼 2013-02-13 22:17 举报 | 单车贵族ding 人气楷模 ...
8 ReviewsWrite a Review Talon 29 3 2020 $550 MSRP excluding sales tax, shipping & handling, destination fees, e-bike battery recycling fees and dealer-installed options. Dealer prices and fees may vary. PLEASE NOTE: We cannot guarantee delivery by 12/24/24 on orders placed after 12/13/24...
Giant Talon 3 27.5 说明书
The Oak Park Talon 3 March 09, 2001 March 9, 2001 “Obey: Giant” Fad Takes Over American Teens By Dan Wedge Any person living in Oak Park, assuming the have not been living under a rock or in a hole, surely, upon sight, would recognize the leering face of “The Giant.” The ...
关于。 GIANT ..捷安特 GIANT 11款 TALON 3 车架 拷贝XTC FR设计 替代ATX PRO 这架怎么样啊,有没有pro好? 09pro比07pro好么?请教各位大婶!我公五想换pro.有必要么?》就5.6百块,要么上m430中套,要么上d3。 其实挺想扔了彦豪,上bb5的。平时骑着玩也没啥,一想升级
本人身高172左右,想买个giant talon 3的车架,那要买多大尺寸的呢?只有16 18寸的 都可以的,这没啥要求,只是个人爱好而已。