Talon 3 Original price:£434£579 Similar Products Best For:XC Talon 0 £696Original price:£929 Best For:XC Talon 1 £659Original price:£879 Best For:XC Talon 2 £486Original price:£649 Best For:XC Talon 4 £374Original price:£499...
In the cases of comfort as well as analytics and marketing cookies, your consent also includes the transfer of data to third countries such as the USA, which may not have the same level of data protection as the EU. The risks here include non-enforceable rights or a weaker enforcement of...
Giant Talon 3 27.5 说明书
(Giant Trance X 29er) and rigid classic MTB have been convincingly beaten whilst riding the Talon. 3) The bike is well made: the frame is light and feels great. Observations: 1) The forks aren't for hitting the trail centre. They're OK, and at this bike price point, you can't ...
这是本人用TALON越野时的视频剪图!强度还是可以的!样子也行毕竟和2000块的FR一样的样子!可怜的是重量,4斤+。。。入门级车手能玩坏也能难了 回复 5楼 2013-02-13 22:16 举报 | 来自Android客户端 断魂狂龙 人气楷模 12 比较蛋疼的车架 回复 6楼 2013-02-13 22:17 举报 | 单车贵族ding 人气楷模 ...
The Oak Park Talon 3March 09, 2001 Share March 9, 2001 “Obey: Giant” Fad Takes Over American Teens By Dan Wedge Any person living in Oak Park, assuming the have not been living under a rock or in a hole, surely, upon sight, would recognize the leering face of “The Giant.” ...
关于。 GIANT ..捷安特 GIANT 11款 TALON 3 车架 拷贝XTC FR设计 替代ATX PRO 这架怎么样啊,有没有pro好? 09pro比07pro好么?请教各位大婶!我公五想换pro.有必要么?》就5.6百块,要么上m430中套,要么上d3。 其实挺想扔了彦豪,上bb5的。平时骑着玩也没啥,一想升级
For aspiring off-road riders looking to climb a little faster and get more comfortable riding singletrack, Talon is your ticket to XC adventures. Key Performance Factors Proven alloy performance ALUXX SL aluminum frameset is hand-built in-house by the world leader in aluminum engineering. Traction...