Talon E+ 29 2 View bike Talon E+ 29 3 View bike Talon E+ EX View bike Motor Giant SyncDrive Core, 55Nm, PedalPlus 6-sensor technologyGiant SyncDrive Core, 55Nm, PedalPlus 6-sensor technologyGiant SyncDrive Core, 55Nm, PedalPlus 6-sensor technologyGiant SyncDrive Core, 55Nm, PedalPlus ...
性价比极高,捷安特talon 1山地车,29寸轮径单盘禧玛诺Deore套件 8571 23 6:34 App 粉丝福利3993块钱装一辆全新29寸桶轴气叉山地车 1.3万 12 1:53 App 公路车转山地车 提车 ——xtc slr 29 1 3424 3 2:07 App 新装了中奖者的山地车29寸 5239 11 1:51 App 29寸山地也可以顺手 9964 1 9:35 ...
talon 29er 1? kfz_007 弯道称霸 9 奇葩的角度~~ 塔利班的毛绒兔 全程漂移 10 这。。。17度把立欢迎你。。 XDany_ 硬叉硬尾 12 高富帅 萌芽骑行团 全程漂移 10 我骑过。确实舒服 欠的只是安静 50巡航 7 这得多少钱? 光的深处94 小吧主 13 XC好像29er很有优势,最近很兴这个...
=> Giant Talon : Le Giant Talon est un VTT semi-rigide, idéal pour les nouveaux cyclistes qui cherchent à s'initier au VTT. Il est équipé d'une fourche avant avec suspension pour absorber les chocs, de freins à disque pour une meilleure sécurité, et de roues de 27.5 ou 29 pouc...
GIANT Talon 2 Feel the road with this aluminium semi-rigid bicycle made for aspiring single tracks. With soft stability and extra balance, this lightweight and fast 29er gives you all the control you need for going up and down hills.. - Frame: Aluminium Grado ALUXX, Disc. - Fork: SR ...
价格 1998 1998 2098 轮圈 合金双层 合金双层 合金双层 车架 合金 合金 合金 花鼓 久裕滚珠32孔碟刹 久裕滚珠32孔碟刹 久裕滚珠32孔碟刹 前拨 M412 M310 M310 后拨 M410 M360 m360 牙盘 m361 M361 新锐 最低的folx 飞轮 hg-50 HG-...
12TALON77012TALON75012ATX79012ATX770-D12A12TX12&12T12AL12O11N11系11列11ATX770ATX750ATX730ATX690-DATX690ATX670ATX660ATX790ATX770-DATX770 11追逐者51610追逐者51011MTX54011火焰1.011熔岩53012MEME09MEME211MEME311MECARL.E11MELAND.E11妃纱11妃纱-FS11蜜糖11蜜糖2蜜糖3TCRWOCRWXTC790WXTC850WXTCW...
(Giant Trance X 29er) and rigid classic MTB have been convincingly beaten whilst riding the Talon. 3) The bike is well made: the frame is light and feels great. Observations: 1) The forks aren't for hitting the trail centre. They're OK, and at this bike price point, you can't ...
GiantTalon 20 Lite $480.00 Next 1 2 Shop More Kids' Bikes Get Started In Stock Bikes Previous SpecializedRockhopper Comp 27.5 $599.95 - $750.00 $750.00 SpecializedLevo Alloy $3,799.95 - $5,500.00 $5,500.00 SpecializedCruX Comp $4,200.00 ...
Disc= Disc Brake 碟刹,Aero= Aero Dynamic 空气动力,29er= 29寸山地轮组,等等。中间山地车:XC= Cross Country 轻度越野 XCR= Cross Country Racing 轻度越野竞赛TRX= Trail Extreme 激烈林道越野AM= All Mountain 全山地越野混型车:X= X-Road 混合地形CXR= Cyclocross Racing 公路越野竞赛公路车:R= Road ...