Bachand, Charles [TB] Motorcycle Maze Rider (1981, A8, ANALOG) Race in Space (1981, A8, ANALOG) [T] Harvey Wallbanger, w/Tom Hudson (1982, A8, ANALOG) [T] Planetary Defense, w/Tom Hudson (1984, A8, ANALOG) Bacher, Eric Pesco (1999, 2600, Ebivision) Pac-Man-like Bachrach, Mark...
GOODBYE HTMLGIANT may you be like one of the stars in the background of your Web 2.0 design and shine brightly above us until you burn out and explode into a whole bunch of weird nothingness when website hosting dues come around because I’m pretty sure that’s how astronomy works but ...
Another truth is we now know we are spinning on a planet in space and maths proves that.. No argument there, it has been proven.. We now know heaven is not in the clouds also, and that the Sun is not god.. Known truths there as well.. Just like giant human remains have been fo...
To give you a general idea, this is a database I am creating that I will copy into multiple documents. Each document will access different information separately. For now I only want to work on the single document in use. The main benefit in this document is actually in the 'Shipment Tr...
@ Who?, @Clive, MarkH, SpaceLifeForm, Winter re: The Baddy Letter List While hunting for the funky word, consider: alternate spelling, body parts & language differences too. Then hunt up replacement alt word in a thesaurus. === Not the best but a start ht tps://en.wiktionary...
Understanding the physical processes that determine the level of attenuation is key to predicting radio wave signal intensities in space (for ground-based transmissions).‘ By far the No. 1 piece of advice for avoiding injury by lightni...
Once you have all the 1/8 mdf in place and glued i took the router router and recessed the space for the start and select buttons. i also routed out the hole for the D-pad. I then routed the edges of the whole top to give it a cleaner look. ...
{white-space:pre;white-space:pre-wrap;word-wrap:break-word}q{quotes:"\201C" "\201D" "\2018" "\2019"}small{font-size:80%}sub,sup{font-size:75%;line-height:0;position:relative;vertical-align:baseline}sup{top:-0.5em}sub{bottom:-0.25em}img{border:0;-ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic;...
Download: Download Word document (40KB) Supplementary data 1. REE concentrations (ppm) in the fluorites in the Chalukou deposit. Download: Download Word document (47KB) Supplementary data 2. Concentrations of trace elements (ppm) in the fluorites in the Chalukou deposit.References...
The information, relayed by Ellsberg himself during the Belmarsh Tribunal held in Washington DC’s Press Club gathering, was a most interesting development and has widened the space in which the security state is held to account.With the Biden administration, surely convinced by the TLA a...