giant magnetic tunneling effectgiant magnetoresistanceelectric conductivityA giant magnetoresistance ratio of 30% at 4.2 K and 18% at 300 K was observed for the first time in an Fe/Al O /Fe junction. The conductance at room temperature was expressed well by G=96.2 (1 + 0.09 cos θ)(Ω )...
The giant tunneling magnetoresistance effect has been achieved in low-resistance CoFeB/MgO(001)/CoFeB magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) at room temperature. A magnetoresistance (MR) ratio as high as 138%, seven times that of state-of-the-art MTJs for magnetic sensor application, was obtained at...
This offers the prospect of realizing low energy dissipation magnetic memories. However, the mechanism of the current-driven magnetization switching is poorly understood as the charge currents in graphenes are generally believed to be non-magnetic. In this work, we demonstrate that in TBG, the ...
Giant magnetic tunneling effect in Fe/Al2O3/Fe junction. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 139, L231–L234 (1995). 3. Moodera, J. S., Kinder, L. R., Wong, T. M. & Meservey, R. Large magnetoresistance at room temperature in ferromagnetic thin film tunnel junctions. Phys. Rev. Lett. 74,...
The magnetorefractive effect in magnetic systems with tunneling conduction originates from spin-dependent high-frequency tunneling.doi:10.1134/1.1575334A. GranovskiiV. GushchinI. BykovA. KozlovN. KobayashiS. OhnumaT. MasumotoM. InoueNauka/InterperiodicaPhysics of the Solid State...
Spin-valley-dependent transport and giant tunneling magnetoresistance in silicene with periodic electromagnetic modulations The transport property of electrons tunneling through arrays of magnetic and electric barriers is studied in silicene.In the tunneling transmission spectrum, the spin-valley-dependent filter...
The giant TER effect is directly related to the buckled lattice and the presence of spin-orbit interaction in silicene. This work reveals the potential of silicene as a good material for application of ferroelectric random-access memory.Journal of magnetism and magnetic materialsAssanai Suwanv...
The anisotropic MR (AMR) in the antiferromagnet (AFM) has been adequately studied; it exhibits a relativistic effect and is about the same order as that in the ferromagnet (FM). The tunneling effect can considerably enhance the AMR effect [5,6]. AMR larger than 100100 at 4 K was ...
Recent advances in generating, manipulating and detecting spin-polarized electrons and electrical current make possible new classes of spin based sensor, memory and logic devices [1]. One key component of many such devices is the magnetic tunneling junction (MTJ) - a sandwich of thin layers of ...
memory. In a more sensitive effect, calledtunneling magnetoresistance(TMR), an insulating material acts as a sandwich. Electrons can move through the sandwich by quantumtunneling. Another spintronic breakthrough product is magnetoresistive memory (MRAM), which uses electron spin to store information; ...