We do get flooding around this time of year most years anyway, due to the tail end effects of tropical storms, and the fact rats etc have had time to build up nests etc in the sewers in the preceading weeks[2]. Thus “wash down” creates surface drainage and some sewer blocages. S...
As far as the 1% of the 1% and other “self entitled” are concerned it also applies to their intetests and they likewise do not hesitate with “might is right” and hiring mercenaries amongst others to “disapear” not just individuals but whole villages. But the neo-cons and Cor...
Mexico launches the 5-Year Hidalgo Plan: An economic package meant to increase production and make the Homeland prosper. This program includes reforms in the banking system, the expansion of industry, and the creation of new jobs through public works. The Mexican military is also constructing fort...
It’s a good deal for me. It’s nice to have variety and a modicum of respect that must necessarily go with variety.But I think, in general, ad agency freelancing has become unstable, seasonal work. As ever, the vast majority of big hiring choices (freelance, full time, and the larg...
but not the genuinely meritorious. merit trumps everything, at least in my experience. its why tech companies are going to India, because that’s where all the geniunely meritorious are right now. this completely flies in the face of the idea that companies only care about hiring white males...
A) Early termination meant best likelihood of finding another job as there were still jobs about even if some companies had hiring freezes. A hiring freeze is for the run of the mill Engineers and Workers. High Price and Hi Vis VIPs can get brought on The Board or given a decent office...
The part that interests me is this statement about one of the team members: “At the time of Soto’s transfer, he claims he had “god-like” status as a monitor and that he, “could literally view any customer’s communications at any time.” ...