Design and manage prestigious hotels around the world as you construct a global lodging empire! Start with a passion for food and cook it up to create a culinary kingdom! Become king of the rails as you manage and operate a railroad empire. Make the critical decisions that determine whether...
These are just the starting costs. Remember, you’ll have to purchase food on a weekly basis, as Conti’s require fresh vegetables and pellets for nourishment. You’ll also need to replenish the litter box every few days. On top of all this, most items will go through wear and tear ov...
In this scenario, a squid could save energy by pirating food from its neighbor rather than hunting its own fish, Guerra says: If the target squid has already carried its prey back to the depths to eat, the pirate could save itself a trip up to the shallow water. Staying below would als...
“If AI is to ever fulfill its promise to benefit humanity and society, we must protect democracy, strengthen our public-interest institutions, and ==> dilute power so that there are effective checks and balances,” the experts concluded. “This includes !!! ensuring transparency and accountabili...
Non domain experts don’t understand those words, they just think “jargon” or pick up on a word they do know like CCTV and get the wrong impression of what is being said. The joy of this example is it’s “unexpectedly off the wall” and it’s actually quite funny. Which means ...