G.I. Home Loans, Inc. is your Internet resource center for VA Home Loans. We are committed to “serving those who served” by offering the most comprehensive and dedicated service possible to the men and women of our Armed Forces who are in need of assistance with the purchase or refinanc...
This also means that you are eligible for student loans, scholarships, and Pell Grants along with the GI Bill. But it is important to note that your GI Bill income will reduce the amount of student financial aid you are eligible to receive. Will I Have To Pay Taxes On My GI Bill Benef...
200 VA-guaranteed home loans in 13 Mississippi citieswentto Black borrowers. “These impediments were not confined to the South,”noteshistorian Ira Katznelson. “In New York and the northern New Jersey suburbs, fewer than 100 of the 67,000 mortgages insured by the GI bill supported home ...