Furthermore, the up‐regulation of GhTT2‐3A in fibres at the secondary wall‐thickening stage resulted in brown mature fibres, and fibre quality and lint percentage were comparable to that of the white‐fibre control. The findings of this study reveal the regulatory mechanism controlling brown ...
Upregulation of GhTT2-3A in Cotton Fibers during Secondary Wall Thickening Results in Brown Fibers with Improved QualityGossypiumTT2proanthocyanidinbrown fibertransgenic cottonBasic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) proteins comprise one of the largest transcription factor families and play important roles in diverse...
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《棉花TT2同源基因GhTT2-3A与棕色纤维色素合成及产量品质的关系》是依托西南大学,由肖月华担任项目负责人的面上项目。项目摘要 天然彩色棉具有广阔的应用前景。项目组前期的表达分析表明棉花TT2同源基因GhTT2-3A与棕色纤维色素的合成调控相关。本项目拟从基因定位、转基因功能分析和启动子特性分析三...