Growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1A (GHSR-1A) is a functional receptor of orexigenic peptide ghrelin and is highly expressed in mesolimbic dopaminergic systems that regulate incentive value of artificial reward in substance abuse. Interestingly, GHSR-1A has also shown ligand-independent ...
ghrelin GHSR 1a对高糖环境下视网膜血管内皮细胞的保护作用△ 李 蓉 姚国敏 周凌霄 张 敏 闫 瑾 欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁氉氉 氉 氉 作者简介:李蓉(ORCID...
金赛药业总经理金磊先生在2022年金赛集智峰会上指出:口服靶向 GHSR 1a受体激动剂用于成人 GHD 诊断适应症已经于2022年5月成功递交 IND,预计2022年9可以获得临床批件。 根据查询国家药品监督局官网,金赛药业5月份递交 IND的药物只有一个,所以CS3-007a应该就是口服靶向 GHSR 1a受体激动剂。 那么CS3-007a对金赛药业又...
目的:以糖尿病胃轻瘫(Diabetic gastroparalysis,DGP)大鼠为研究对象,从鍉针点按对实验大鼠胃肠道激素GHRL及外侧隔核GHSR-1a的影响入手,探讨鍉针点按治疗糖尿病胃轻瘫的作用机制.方法:将实验大鼠随机分为正常组,模型组,胃复安组及鍉针点按组.采用腹腔注射链脲佐菌素(streptozocin STZ)结合高脂高糖不规则喂养建立DGP...
$长春高新(SZ000661)$ 本人理解:生长激素相关靶点IGF-1 IGFBP-3 GHSR-1a CNP FSH PTH @闻道行远 @天下之大同 @牛牛永远的爱 @王元x29 @多利庄园 @林熹
Oncorhynchus mykiss GHS-R genes for growth hormone secretagogue receptor 1a variant, growth hormone secretagogue receptor 1b variant, complete cds Oncorhynchus mykiss GHS-R genes for growth hormone secretagogue receptor 1a variant, growth hormone secretagogue receptor 1b variant, complete cds... H ...
GHSR-1aMammary glandLactationDairy goatRecent studies have implicated the peripheral actions of ghrelin in reproductive tissues. The present study provides novel evidence for the expression of ghrelin and its functional receptor (GHSR-1a) in the mammary glands of dairy goat during lactation and the ...
【关键词】 ghrelin;生长激素分泌素受体 1a;糖尿病视网膜病变;高糖;视网膜血管内皮细胞【中图分类号】 R774.1ghrelin是一 种肽激素,因其在刺激食欲和摄食 行为、能量稳态和碳水化合物代谢中的作用而闻名[1]。ghrelin与生长 激素分泌素受体(GHSR)结合 并激活下游信号,发挥一系列的生物学效应[2],而针 对ghrelinGHS...
Ghrelin is an acylated peptide isolated from the stomach oxyntic mucosa that promotes GH release [1] and whose actions are predominantly mediated through its known receptor the GHSR-1a [2]. However, some of the effects are independent of this receptor, such as those of des-acyl-ghrelin (an...