H232 May ignite spontaneously if exposed to air. H240 Heating may cause an explosion. H241 Heating may cause a fire or explosion. H242 Heating may cause a fire. H250 Catches fire spontaneously if exposed to air. H251 Self-heating: may catch fire. H252 Self-heating in large quantities;...
P231+P232 Handle under inert gas. Protect from moisture. P235+P410 Keep cool. Protect from sunlight. Precautionary statements - Response P301 IF SWALLOWED: P304 IF INHALED: P305 IF IN EYES: P306 IF ON CLOTHING: P307 IF exposed: P308 IF exposed or concerned: P309 IF exposed or if you...
P231+P232 Handle under inert gas. Protect from moisture. 在惰性气体中。防止受潮。 P235+P410 Keep cool. Protect from sunlight. 保持冷静。避免阳光直射。 防范说明——反应 Precautionary statements - Response P301 IF SWALLOWED: 如果吞下去 P304 IF INHALED: 如果吸入 P305 IF IN EYES: 如果进入眼睛...
H232May ignite spontaneously if exposed to air. H240Heating may cause an explosion. H241Heating may cause a fire or explosion. H242Heating may cause a fire. H250Catches fire spontaneously if exposed to air. H251Self-heating: may catch fire. ...
H261 In contact with water releases flammable gas Category 2 Danger P223, P231+P232, P280 P335+P334, P370+P378 P402+P404 P501 H261 In contact with water releases flammable gas Category 3 Warning P231+P232, P280 P370+P378 P402+P404 P501 H270 May cause or intensify fire; oxidizer ...
H232H240H241H242H250H251H252 Mayignitespontaneouslyifexposedtoair暴露在空气中可自燃 Heatingmaycauseanexplosion加热可能爆炸 Heatingmaycauseafireorexplosion加热可能起火或爆炸 Heatingmaycauseafire加热可能起火 Catchesfirespontaneouslyifexposedtoair暴露在空气中会自燃 Self-heating;maycatchfire自热;可能燃烧 Self-he...
P231+P232在惰性气体中操作、防潮。P 13、280戴防护手套、穿防护服、戴防护眼镜、戴防护面罩。注:生产商、供应商或主管部门列明防护装备。P370+P378火灾时,使用灭火。注:生产商、供应商或主管部门列明适当的媒介。遇水可能增加危险。危险类别图形符号警示词危险性说明防范说明预防措施事故响应氧化性液体1警告H271...
化学品GHS安全标签防范说明 危险类别 1 图形符号 警示词 危险 危险性说明 H220极易燃气体 防范说明 预防措施 P210远离热源、火花、明火、热表面-禁止吸烟 事故响应 P377泄漏气体着火;切勿灭火,除非能安全地切断泄漏源。P381如果没有危险,消除一切点火源。P377泄漏气体着火;切勿灭火,除非能安全地切断泄漏源。P381...
所属专辑:重生丰缘:开局我选火稚鸡 6元开会员,免费听 购买| 0.20喜点/集 音频列表 231灭火!(感谢【王炸ion】的打赏) 2 2024-10 232补偿与叮嘱(感谢【GHSLSP】的打赏) 1 2024-10 233补偿到手与不同的理念(感谢【帅到找不到女坑友】的打赏)