Kim Jee-woon’s “A Tale of Two Sisters” is a psychological horror-thriller that mines the buried secrets of a family’s past to leave the viewer as unsettled as the two sisters who try to piece together the mystery of what happened in the secluded estate where they were raised. It‘...
The ghosts cannot normally be seen or heard by the living, though some have abilities which enable them to interact in a minor way with people, or with objects around them. The ghosts are free to roam the house and grounds, but cannot leave and are deflected back if they attempt to cros...
• Trevor explaining to Hetty why he gave up his room for her: “That’s the kind of guy I am. The kind of guy you could’ve had if you weren’t embarrassed of me. Now please leave. My shirt’s not long enough to cover my butt, and I want to roll over.” • Isaac to ...
What do you like best about your character?"Flower can be an awesome agent of chaos on the show, like when she locked Samantha in the vault. But she also has a very loving Earth Mother personality. It's fun to play two sides of that coin." ...
He totally gets it — it’s just like how “when executing Danes” back in the day, they’d “leave one alive to tell tales of brutality.” Oh, dear sweet Thor. Flower takes the win and moves on. So when the gang is trying to find some way to cheer Sas up, Thor comes up ...
I re-write it: why don’t u leave *us* alone miranda, but then I have to try to edit the text because I forgot about how I was going to write out all my yous. Why were we so nice to Miranda? Fuck Miranda. But still. I don’t send my text. Then it comes out of nowhere...
Meet Dylan Williams who dropped his single “Vibe” this past week providing hints of sunnier seasons yet to arrive that feature some of that clap & slap production from R-Kay. “Lean with me, if not leave me be,” Dylan croons on ...
From May to October, Glacier Gardens turns any preconception of what Alaska has to offer on its head with its "upside-down" grove of trees—whose branches are firmly planted into the ground and whose roots create an unusual flower bed canopy high above. You can only explore the gardens and...
• Flower: “I’ve been in relationships that had more people than this party.” • Now that Ghosts has introduced the idea of Liam Neeson as a neighbor of Woodstone, I hope the joke keeps coming up until it can no longer be ignored and Neeson pops up on the show one day. •...