Riley the German shepherd is named after Ghost's real name (Simon Riley), and the honey badger assault rifle is named after an assault vehicle. Blooper During the "Clockwork" level, Merrick's Spanish has a thick U.S. accent to the point that it would not fool a native speaker. ...
Sam isn’t thrilled with inserting herself into Alicia’s life, but Alberta pleads with her: She died young and never had a chance at being a mother, and steering Alicia in the right direction might be her only real shot at parenthood. Sam’s a sucker for an emotional plea, so cod-...
theCall of Dutydog: Riley. E3 allowed us to see several scenes from the single-player along with demos of how the new graphics engine would alter the way the environment is rendered in real time. However, we haven’t heard a whole lot about the game’s multiplayer...
I.P. address - Your IP Address is collected and stored in our database, this may be your real I.P or a proxy I.P. This is used for security purposes and to enhance the website security for its customers. Hardware Identification Number - we will store a simple hardware identification ...
I.P. address - Your IP Address is collected and stored in our database, this may be your real I.P or a proxy I.P. This is used for security purposes and to enhance the website security for its customers. Hardware Identification Number - we will store a simple hardware identification ...
She passes on all of this information to her neighbors, with real gusto, might I add. To destroy this tree would be to desecrate a piece of history! Sam’s really taken up Sas’s cause here, so when Isaac and Pete suggest writing about the situation, he doesn’t hesitate to pitch ...
The Ghosts Are Real...图片来自官网,本来是一个含有mosaic的骷髅头,但是通过源码分析,提取出了这张含有THE GHOSTS ARE REAL字样的图片,也就是说,之前的Call of Duty: Ghosts传言属实。 分享19赞 现代战争3吧 Intl_Criminal The Ghosts Are Real...图片来自Callofduty点抗木官网,本来是一个含有马赛克的骷髅头...
whoIhadtotellbecausewewerealonetogether 这里只有我们俩那可是无数尴尬对望的瞬间啊 formanyyears,andtherewerealotofawkwardsilences. 那你可以操纵别人做事咯 So,youcanjustmakepeopledowhateveryouwant? 没那么简单我得获得他们的信任 Well,itsnotthatsimple.Ihavetogaintheirtrust, ...
However, inWild Woman, as in real life, it is the women who do, more often than not, end up short-changed. Their men tend to be lazy, selfish and unfaithful, for varying reasons and to varying degrees. But in the narrator’s mother’s generation the inclination is to endure a losing...
of cuckoo flowers in the woods, and dozing above them the real clouds in the wind hole, polar light, biting ice. once a chunk of milk glass fell to the ground in front of me. before I could tread on it, it melted away. that’s when I finally left. after that ...