The article offers criticism of the 2016 film "Ghostbusters," directed by Paul Feig, starring Leslie Jones, Kate McKinnon, and Melissa McCarthy. Topics include comments on the video trailer for the film on the video streaming site YouTube, the impact of the GamerGate controversy about feminism...
Jones’ Patty Tolan is a subway station worker whose encounter with a ghost leads her to the Ghostbusters who eventually make her part of the team. Tolan is the closest thing to an analog the film has with its 1984 counterpart. Jones’ character is every bit the outsider that Ernie Hudson...
McCarthy’s Yates brushes off hateful YouTube commenters with dignity, while the film’s “macho” villain is taken down at one point by a plasma shot to the ‘nads (subtlety vs. earned aggression). Women are shown to be capable, comedic and fast-acting in the face of inexplicable ...
After the events of the previous film, the Ghostbusters are disbanded — until someone discovers a river of slime beneath the city that's spreading bad vibes throughout the population, bringing an entity named Vigo the Carpathian back to life. But can the crew get the City to cheer up in...
Dan Aykroyd Admits He Was ‘Mad’ About 2016 ‘Ghostbusters,’ but Doesn’t ‘Besmirch’ It The original "Ghostbusters" actor and screenwriter says he "loved so much of" the all-female film. By Samantha Bergeson July 29, 2024 12:30 pm Features Every ‘Ghostbusters’ Movie Ranked, from th...
The film is self-aware and even subtly subversive at times — but it's not perfect. Just like most movies.
Reed, who was a childhoodGhostbustersenthusiast, is proud of his contribution to the film and ready to see the 2016 remake. “I’m pumped to see the new movie, because Kristin Wiig is my favorite comedian of all time,” he says. “She’s like my number one funny maker.” But Reed ...
The dudes who made the Ghostbusters trailer the most-hated ever are essentially hecklers; this joke is the film’s “destroy a heckler” moment. You’ll see a similar move in the jokes that comedians use to open their sets, with the comic promptly acknowledging something seemingly notable ...
The Starlingis now streaming on Netflix. The newGhostbusters: Afterlife— which is a continuation of the original film franchise and has no connection to 2016’s version — is scheduled to open in theaters on November 19. It will be very interesting to see how it is received, both by fans...
the all-women cast of the 2016 film, or the new generation fromGhostbusters: AfterlifeandFrozen Empire. Family audiences seem to be a big one in theGhostbustersfranchise. "You know, I saw grandparents with their grandchildren, who on the street would come up and tell me stories" said Hudson...