Answer the call from legendary Ghostbuster Ray Stantz (played by Dan Aykroyd) and embark on a series of missions across New York and San Francisco in a bid to defeat the villainous Garraka. Visit the iconic Ghostbusters firehouse in New York, wield the original Ghosbusters’ equipment, bust ...
Thoughts:When props from Ghostbusters: Answer The Call were on display before it was in theaters I thought the Ghost Chipper was the new Ghost Trap. I’m not sure what the point is of “chipping” a ghost. It’s made of ectoplasm, its messy. Then what, can you trap it? Why would ...
GHOSTBUSTERS: ANSWER THE CALL 2016 Ghostbusters makes its long-awaited return with Director Paul Feig's unique and hilarious take on the classic, supernatural comedy, led by the freshest minds in comedy today, Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones, and Chris Hemsworth.See ...
Answer the call from legendary Ghostbuster Ray Stantz (played by Dan Aykroyd) and embark on a series of missions across New York and San Francisco in a bid to defeat the villainous Garraka. Visit the iconic Ghostbusters firehouse in New York, wield the original Ghosbusters’ equipment, bust ...
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Answer the call from legendary Ghostbuster Ray Stantz (played by Dan Aykroyd) and embark on a series of missions across New York and San Francisco in a bid to defeat the villainous Garraka. Visit the iconic Ghostbusters firehouse in New York, wield the original Ghosbusters’ equipment, bust ...
Ghostbusters Contract Access Pack includes gear shells for The Real Ghostbusters, Extreme Ghostbusters, Answer the Call, and Fanatic previously released but also five exclusive shirt logo and patches: 2 Illfonic patches, 2 No Ghost patches, and a Samhain patch From March 26, 2024 at 12 pm ...
Ghostbusters: Answer the CallActors (left to right) Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon, Kristen Wiig, and Leslie Jones in the filmGhostbusters: Answer the Call(2016). Sony Picturesrevived the series in 2016, releasing agender-swappedadaptationof the original, titledGhostbusters: Answer the Calland st...
See More GHOSTBUSTERS II 1989 Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis and Ernie Hudson take up their proton packs once more to battle the forces of evil in Manhattan!See More GHOSTBUSTERS: ANSWER THE CALL 2016 Ghostbusters makes its long-awaited return with Director Paul Feig's unique and ...
On Cover A of Ghostbusters Answer The Call Issue #3, Patty is looking at "Sumerian Legends - Behind the Legend of Gozer". On page 16 of Ghostbusters Crossing Over Issue #2, one of the images conjured is of Gozer. Gozer is mentioned in The Real Ghosbtusters' bio in the Crossing Over...