Route 66 Ghost TownsThe Sadness of Old BuildingsStay Out of That Old Mine!The past belongs to the future… but only the present can preserve it. — Unknown Elkhorn, Montana Buildings by Kathy Alexander.THIS OLD TOWNI was born here. In a long-ago land of shadows and muted sounds I ... best source of information on ghost towns in the U.S. Ghost towns are listed by state & include biographies, pictures, and other detailed ghost town info.
Unfortunately, Texas has plenty of ghost towns spread across the state. It's a bit eerie and mysterious which is exactly why we needed to showcase some of the strangest ghost towns in Texas. Scroll down and check out ghost towns in Texas with some pretty recognizable names. SYLVESTER, TEXAS...
Unfortunately, Texas has plenty of ghost towns spread across the state. It's a bit eerie and mysterious which is exactly why we needed to showcase some of the strangest ghost towns in Texas. Scroll down and check out ghost towns in Texas with some pretty recognizable names. SYLVESTER, TEXAS... best source of information on ghost towns in the American West. Ghost towns are listed bystate & include biographies, pictures, and otherdetailed ghost town historical information
Flint, Michigan. Best known for being the birthplace of General Motors, the Flint Sit-Down Strike and formation of the United Auto Workers, and its incredible Cultural Center for starters, but ghost sightings? Oddly enough, yes. Flint has found itself knee deep in spirit sightings according to...
Montana: Virginia City Montana: Virginia City Yup, the whole town. TheBillings Gazette explains"Perhaps it's unsurprising that one of Montana's most famous ghost towns would have a reputation as its most haunted place. Virginia City was founded in 1863 by prospectors who calle...
Although they once roamed in giant herds numbering up to30 million, today there are only about 500,000 bison in America. It's still a number that impresses many citizens, though, given that they only reside in national parks and refuges in Wyoming, Montana, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Iowa, and ...
Montana Montana Paranormalweb: http://www.mtparanormal.comemail: info@mtparanormal.comphone: service area: Montana Nebraska Paranormal L.I.G.H.T.S.web: Paranormallights@aol.comphone: 402-770-9139service area: All USA Cobra Paranormalweb: https://www...
Minor-league baseball team manager Nick Mariana in 1950 captured two silver crafts spinning in mid-air over Great Falls, Montana, on his 16-mm camera. A governmental panel was gathered in 1953 to review Mariana's footage, other U.S. Air Force UFO data, and a second short film of a sig...