Ghost" (2022) is a South Indian film that blends elements of horror and drama with a distinctive cultural flavor. Directed by debutant A. S. Ravi, the film stars Nagarjuna Akkineni in the lead role, and it's a blend of classic ghostly elements with a modern twist. The movie is set in...
Actress Sunny Leone has finished shooting for director Yuvan’s her Tamil historical horror-comedy ‘Oh My Ghost’. Director Yuvan said,”Sunny Leone plays a queen-like character in the film. This is a fantasy film. So, the role that she plays is not representative of any region or time ...
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ta Tamil ✅ MC Naveen th Thai ✅ atbee tr Turkish ✅ talut zh_CN Chinese (Simplified) ✅ Please help to translate Fizzy into the languages you know. To do so, first fork this repo. Then you need to copy the en.json file under locales folder and rename it to your language ...