"I've hidden it away" Mayday! Find me if you think you can Then you can leave and never hold me close again Hey mayday! Find me if you think you can But could you smile for me at the very end? (Say woah) I know I'm nothing more than an empty ghost An empty shell of lies,...
Sex with the devil, however, made mortals into witches***, giving them powers to commit malevolent acts instead of abilities which might allow them to command, lead, unify, or rule. Witches became agents of disease. They eradicated ease and disseminated dissension. Shakespeare’s Henry IV part...
Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Future Tone - [PV] "Ghost Rule" (DLC) (Romaji/English Subs) 0 人观看 4年前,YouTube 显示点赞 分享 显示分享列表 Bogatyrev Alexander 120个粉丝 PV for the song "Ghost Rule" (ゴーストルール Ghost Rule), music and lyrics by DECO*27, sung by Hatsune Mik...
Locals knew about the Sugamo Prison, which had originally stood on the site. Until the end of World War II, the former edifice was a penitentiary that detained and executed inmates charged with “ideological” offenses: from communist intellectuals and political agitators, to leaders of occult o...
Together, they sidestep the near totalitarian rule of Burgermeister Meisterburger in order to bring toys to the children of Sombertown. Filled with memorable songs and endearing moments, Santa Claus Is Coming to Town is weirdly wonderful in its own way. 3. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (...
We had fine fannish conversation instead, the rule for which is: you had to be there. That night, I dreamed I was at Novacon when a wild man burst in, demanding his right to arm-wrestle Sir Peter Weston into submission. Was this an omen? The hotel's room rate of £84 a night ...
As a rule, Desire was in evening-dress; he was sensitively conscious of her mist of hair, and of the long sweet slope of her white arms and shoulders. After taking Twinkles for a final outing, he always accompanied her up to the apartment Once she had had to press him to do so; ...