Profitez gratuitement de Ghost Recon Breakpoint pendant notre week-end gratuit sur toutes les plateformes, du 4 au 7 novembre. Devenez un soldat d'élite de l'unité ultra-secrète Ghost, en mission sur Auroa. Cet archipel isolé quelque part dans le Pacifique Sud a en effet rompu tout co...
幽灵行动:断点 开场动画 Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint, 视频播放量 76、弹幕量 0、点赞数 1、投硬币枚数 2、收藏人数 0、转发人数 0, 视频作者 苏狐IA-SUHU, 作者简介 养生玩家,相关视频:【Ubisoft】《幽灵行动:荒野》挖敌人的银根,幽灵行动断点:救出宝拉。
Genieße Ghost Recon Breakpoint während unseres Gratis-Wochenendes vom 4. bis 7. November auf allen Plattformen gratis. Werde zu einem Elitesoldat eines Sondereinsatzkommandos, bekannt als die Ghosts, das für einen Spezialeinsatz nach Auroa kommt. Jeglicher Kontakt zu diesem entlegenen Archipe...
$159.99 Ratings Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Breakpoint Sign In to Rate Global player ratings 58996 ratings 64% 14% 7% 3% 12% Game and Legal Info Become an elite spec ops soldier known as a Ghost, tasked with a special mission to Auroa. The remote archipelago somewhere in the South Paci...
Soon after beginning Ghost Recon Breakpoint, when you level up for the first time, the game will ask you to pick a starting class for your character. There’s four of them in total, but which one is the best, you ask? The answer will, of course, vary from player to player, but ...
前3分钟 Ghost Recon 游戏历史 4分20秒 Jay Skell以及SkellTech介绍,但发生了无人机的恐怖袭击。 7分 ColeWalker的宣言动画 7分30 主持人介绍剧情,主角还是Nomad。里面有经典的开场坠机场面。极其类似Fallen Ghost。开放世界,各种气候和地形的新世界。从进攻转为防御,从狩猎变成被猎杀。Wolf组织登场。
《Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Breakpoint》讓玩家親自扮演美國特種部隊的菁英戰士。《Ghost Recon®》系列中非常重要的核心便是提供玩家機會,讓大家打造符合自身遊玩風格的自訂軍械。 在這次的開發者問答中,我們請到了負責武器以及槍匠的團隊,一同討論開發《Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Bre...
Welcome to Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint, a deep, immersive tactical shooter set in a huge open-world sandbox. Become a Ghost, an elite US Special Operations Forces soldier, fighting to survive. Injured, without support, and hunted down by ex-Ghosts, you must fight to survive while ...
Enjoy Ghost Recon Breakpoint for free during our Free Weekend on all platforms from November 4th to November 7th. Become an elite spec ops soldier known as a Ghost, tasked with a special mission to Auroa. The remote archipelago somewhere in the South Pacific has lost contact with the outside...
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