The manga is described as: Chloe dreams of being an actress, but her path to success may be closed as she’s now 28 with very little to show for it. However, she does happen to have a special occult body type. Saiké launched theGhost Reaper Girlmanga in July 2020. VIZ Media’...
尽管 由于 Akissa Saiké 的健康状况不佳,Ghost Reaper Girl自 11 月 1 日以来一直处于停播状态,但漫画最终将在 12 月 28 日以第 31 章恢复,这将看到克洛伊·洛夫(Chloe Love)试图将凯恢复到奥斯卡·克苏鲁( Oscar Cthulhu) 恢复他之前的样子回到毁灭瑜伽,让灵魂打开冥府之门。