Ghost of Tsushima characters Meet some of the characters you'll encounter on your journey. Jin Sakai While Jin starts the game as a samurai, he’ll learn skills and adopt tactics that are decidedly not samurai-like and begin to form his new identity, The Ghost. As you play, you’ll lea...
Ghost of Tsushima DIRECTOR’S CUT Iki Island expansion Legends online co-op mode Digital mini art book Director’s commentary One Technique Point Charm of Hachiman’s Favour Hero of Tsushima Skin Set Ghost of Tsushima: Legends (Simplified Chinese, English, Korean, Thai, Japanese, Traditional Chin...
格擋、閃躲及招架是《Ghost of Tsushima》的三大致勝關鍵。按住 L1 可格擋大多數的攻擊,但只要把握時機,在敵人即將擊中您的瞬間輕按 L1,便能招架並給予致命回擊。您也可輕按 O 按鈕來閃避攻擊,讓敵人露出破綻。 建議在早期戰鬥中透過防守來學習敵人的招數和回擊時機。逐漸熟悉戰鬥步調後,就可以開始嘗試先格擋敵人...
Explore game Ghost of Tsushima Legends for PS5,PS4 console from the official PlayStation website.Check out Ghost of Tsushima Legends features, news, videos, screen shots, and buy the game now from PlayStation Store.
风暴将至,在PC上体验完整的《Ghost of Tsushima导演剪辑版》,在这场开放世界动作冒险中开辟自己的道路,发现隐藏的奇景。本游戏由Sucker Punch Productions、Nixxes Software和PlayStation Studios为您呈现。...
Ghost of Tsushima DIRECTOR’S CUT (PlayStation Plus) (Simplified Chinese, English, Korean, Thai, Japanese, Traditional Chinese) PS4PS5 Included Subscribe to PlayStation Plus Extra to access this game and hundreds more in the Game Catalogue ...
Ghost of Tsushima 导演剪辑版 (泰语, 日语, 韩语, 简体中文, 繁体中文, 英语) PS4 Ghost of Tsushima 导演剪辑版 《壹岐之章》 Legends:在线多人合作“奇谈模式” 迷你美术集数字版 导演解说音轨 1 个武技点 “八幡神之佑”护身符 对马英雄外观包 ...
If you already own Ghost of Tsushima on PS4™, you can upgrade to the Ghost of Tsushima DIRECTOR’S CUT on PS5™ for $40.90 from 20 August 2021. If you already own the Ghost of Tsushima DIRECTOR’S CUT on PS4, you can upgrade to the PS5 Ghost of Tsushima DIRECTOR’S CUT for ...
境井仁的旅途首次在PC端展开,在此导演剪辑版中体验完整的《Ghost of Tsushima》。 13世纪末,蒙古帝国东征,铁蹄所到之处皆成焦土。残暴狡诈的蒙军统帅赫通汗率领舰队大举入侵,对马岛是横亘在侵略者与日本本土之间的最后一道防线。 当对马岛被蒙军首波攻势的战火点燃时,