《Ghost of Tsushima 導演剪輯版》PC版是否支援線上或多人遊玩? 是。在PC上支援多人合作遊玩的奇譚模式。 必須登入PlayStation Network才能進行線上多人遊玩,以及使用 PlayStation疊層。 Steam Deck不提供線上多人遊玩功能。 透過邀請PSN好友開始遊戲階段,支援PS4主機、PS5主機和PC之間的跨平台遊玩。此功能目前正...
《Ghost of Tsushima 導演剪輯版》是第一款在PC上應用全新PlayStation疊層的PlayStation遊戲,顯示好友名單、獎盃、設定和個人資料。此功能適用於Windows PC,可透過遊戲内選單或快捷鍵SHIFT + F1(鍵盤玩家)開啟。 遊玩本作的同時,你也可以像使用PlayStation主機的玩家一樣,解鎖PlayStation獎盃。《Ghost of Tsushima 導...
Know if your PC build can run Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut with our guide. We have covered minimum and recommended system requirements.
It's really hard to overstate just how gorgeous Ghost of Tsushima can be (which makes me even more excited for Ghost of Yotei). Recently ported to PC, Ghost of Tsushima is a feast for the eyes in just about every scene – you don't even have to be a big fan of ancient Samurai ae...
『Ghost of Tsushima』は自由に難易度を選べるが、それでも油断して戦いに臨めば苦戦は必至だ。特に仁の体力が少ない序盤は、警戒を怠らないようにしよう。敵の攻撃の合図となる動きや音を見極めて、自分が有利になるよう立ち回ろう。 防御、回避、受け流し 防御、回避、受け流しは、本作の...
《Ghost of Tsushima 導演剪輯版》即將登陸PC!這款由Sucker Punch Productions開發的開放世界動作冒險遊戲廣受好評,Nixxes很榮幸能和他們才華洋溢的團隊合作,並將境井仁的故事介紹給新玩家,讓Sucker Punch的作品首次登上PC! 《Ghost of Tsushima 導演剪輯版》PC版收錄完整遊戲、壹岐島之章,以及線上多人合作的奇譚模式...
Is Ghost of Tsushima Coming to PC? Angie Clark· Gaming Tips & Guides ·May 19, 2022 Ghost of Tsushima was developed by Sucker Punch and released as a... Last Chance To Download March 2022’s PlayStation Plus Games Ash Bates·
Ghost of Tsushima’s open world is a rich one, with details lying all around pointing to the past’s legendary warriors and their respective relics. These Ghost of Tsushima Mythic Tales are for you to pursue, and in this guide, we’ll help you in tracking them down. ...
如你已在PS4™主機上持有Ghost of Tsushima,可由2021年8月20日起在PS5™主機上升級至Ghost of Tsushima導演剪輯版,售價為 890元 。 如你已在PS4™主機上持有Ghost of Tsushima導演剪輯版,可由2021年8月20日起升級至PS5™版的Ghost of Tsushima導演剪輯版,售價為 200元 。
One thing to note in Ghost of Tsushima - there is no lock-on system. This adds to the immersion and the feel of nuanced combat - but sometimes it makes looking around while fighting tricky. If you particularly struggle with this, try adding some of your attacks and dodge onto your paddle...