Ghost" (2022) is a South Indian film that blends elements of horror and drama with a distinctive cultural flavor. Directed by debutant A. S. Ravi, the film stars Nagarjuna Akkineni in the lead role, and it's a blend of classic ghostly elements with a modern twist. The movie is set in...
Actress Sunny Leone has finished shooting for director Yuvan’s her Tamil historical horror-comedy ‘Oh My Ghost’. Director Yuvan said,”Sunny Leone plays a queen-like character in the film. This is a fantasy film. So, the role that she plays is not representative of any region or time ...
Full doc: Ghost Docs - Collections routes: /: home # template for homepage `home.hbs` collections: /movie/: # a collection called movie permalink: /movie/{slug}/ template: movie # template `movie.hbs` filter: tag:movie # fetch data from a tag:movie data: # have access to...
Full doc: Ghost Docs - Collections routes: /: home # template for homepage `home.hbs` collections: /movie/: # a collection called movie permalink: /movie/{slug}/ template: movie # template `movie.hbs` filter: tag:movie # fetch data from a tag:movie data: # have access to...