杂项. 声音效果_2 / 3_(Misc. Sound Effects _2 / 3_) 鬼步 洛奇(Mabinogi)/杂项(Miscellaneous)/杂项. 声音效果_2 / 3_(Misc. Sound Effects _2 / 3_) 684首 x1倍 ×0.7倍 ×1倍 ×1.5倍 ×2倍 ×2.5倍 ×3倍 音频编辑器 音频截取 ...
they shake rattles, often dozens of them affixed to a large stick, while making a hissing noise through their clenched teeth. When there is a large group of Sintékh’la, the sound is distinctly unnerving, and triggers a Gut check in their opponents. ...
龙啸(Dragon growl) 恶魔(Demon_00) 声音音效库(Voices Sound Effects Library) / 声音音效库(Voices_Sound_Effect_Library) / 波(Wav) / 恶魔(Demon) 910首 生物4(Creature4) 长嚎_ 鲸鱼和怪物(Long howl_ whale and monster) 啊哈惊讶的男人的声音(Ahhh Surprise Man Voice) 幽灵毒刺(Spooky...