General Information: The Seiryuto Ganma (Green Dragon Blade Eye Demon, 9-10, 24, 43) is a Ganma who achieved evolution through bonding with a Guandao (a Chinese glaive). He was summoned to lure Takeru into finding the former Ghost Hunter Kenjiro Igarashi, who had the potential to summon...
they nevertheless both meet at this same intersection marked with a dragon seen coiled around the sign’s pole. Oshii could be suggesting Buddhism and Christianity having a common theological basis in that they both seek this same spiritual truth to freeing oneself from the material world. In con...
2019.01 [sans] How to Train Your Dragon: Ghidra Basics 新添加的 2019.09 [dustri] Radare2, IDA Pro, and Binary ninja, a metaphoric comparison 2019.05 [vimeo] Three Heads are Better Than One: Mastering Ghidra - Alexei Bulazel, Jeremy Blackthorne - INFILTRATE 2019 2019.04 [X0x6d696368] Ghidra...