前半段是美味的桃子香草,后半段转向带有些微美食感的木质调,总体上谈不上出众,但是没有硬伤,是一款很沉稳宁静的香,某种程度上也算是和Deep Night这个名字契合吧。瓶子确实不错,造型很有创意,深紫色又很深邃神秘,这造型值一个高分。 2020-01-27 2
1. 在深夜中,探寻心灵的深渊,感受爱的芬芳。2. 夜幕深沉,探秘灵魂的深处,体会爱的香气。3. 深夜时分,深入心灵的幽深之处,嗅到爱的气息。
Ghost Deep Night is an amber vanilla fragrance that is sensual and passionate. Ghost Deep Night takes its wearer into the world of feelings between day and night. Created for the woman who is not only strong, self-confident, and clever. But also sentimental and romantic as well. A fres...
the food turned into burning coals that couldn't be eaten. Moggallana cried sorrowfully and asked for help from Buddha. Buddha said the sins of his mother were deep and firmly rooted; they couldn't be forgiven just by only using divine power. It required the combined power of a thousand ...
Several months later, Hera rendezvoused the Ghost to meet the Phoenix in deep space. Kanan, Chopper, and Ezra had just returned from a mission to scout the planet Oosalon for a potential rebel base where they had run into the Fifth Brother and the Seventh Sister. Unwilling to endanger ...
game gather gaze generous genial genius gentile gentle genuine giddy gift giggle gild give giving glad glamorous glamour glamourous glee gleeful glitter global glorious glow glowing go-ahead goal God godly golden good good-looking good-natured goodhearted goodness gorgeous graceful gracious grand grant ...
One night while they slept in the frozen wilderness due to it still being warmer than inside the cryogenic monoliths, a member of the Drifter's crew froze to death but was unable to be revived by his Ghost due to the proximity of one of the creatures.[9] Not long after this first ...
Muse turn in one of the year’s more thought provoking records, with a majority of the set feeling like a mini rock opera inspired by 2020’s pandemic fears and deeper discussions sparked by the death of George Floyd. Matt Bellamy and crew use their musical platform to spark conversations ...
Muse turn in one of the year’s more thought provoking records, with a majority of the set feeling like a mini rock opera inspired by 2020’s pandemic fears and deeper discussions sparked by the death of George Floyd. Matt Bellamy and crew use their musical platform to spark conversations ...
You'll find over 300 ghost towns peppered across Colorado's landscape. The majority of these mostly-vacant towns rest high in the Rockies where miners built settlements in hopes to strike it rich. At the same time, others lie in the eastern plains as a stopping ground for travelers traversin...