Years ago, when they were working on the movie version of "TheShining," director Stanley Kubrick...Newmark, Judith
The article focuses on novelist Joe Hill, son of horror author Stephen King. Hill talks about his debut novel "Heart-Shaped Box," a ghost story about an ageing heavy metal rock star named Judas Coyne, who purchases a ghost in an Internet auction. Hill describes writing the book, and discu...
Master of Horror John Carpenter took on the challenge to bring to life one of Stephen King's many horror stories withChristinein 1983. The screenplay by Bill Phillips takes the most resounding elements of the book to create an original story where a bullied nerd named Arnie Cunningham buys a ...
Annie Wilkes Is a Patron Saint of Feminine Rage in Stephen King’s ‘Misery’ [The Lady Killers Podcast] 1/6/2025 by Jenn Adams GKIDS Netflix Earned More Money From Anime Streaming Than Crunchyroll & Hulu According To New Report ...
The Monkey: Stephen King adaptation shares a ratings board report on the trailer that’s coming on Wednesday 1/7/2025 by Cody Hamman 5 Reasons You Should Watch Nicolas Cage’s “Longlegs” If You Haven’t Already 1/7/2025 ...
Often considered one of the greatest horror films of all time, Stanley Kubrick's adaptation of Stephen King's novel — about an aspiring writer named Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson) who becomes the caretaker at an isolated hotel — delivers on all the psychological horror and ghostly terror. ...
The Ghost and the Darkness: Directed by Stephen Hopkins. With Michael Douglas, Val Kilmer, Tom Wilkinson, John Kani. A bridge engineer and an experienced old hunter begin a hunt for two lions after they start attacking local construction workers.
Guess it shouldn’t be surprising that the state that spawned horrormeister Stephen King has its spooky side. This one isn’t a ghost, but it rates high on the Creep-o-Meter: the Paul Bunyan Statue on Main Street in Bangor. If you’ve read King’s “It,” or seen a movie adaptatio...
I’ve never been totally comfortable staying in old hotels. Maybe it was because I played with the Ouija board too much as a child, or perhaps I read too many Stephen King novels, but old places fascinate me and give me the willies. Plus, I have a very active imagination, which doesn...
innovative, unique visual style is a perfect match in creating a movie as memorably chilling as The Shining (Even though King infamously didn’t like the adaption, as stated in an interview with Turner Classic Movies for their documentary “A Night at the Movies: The Horrors of Stephen King...