并于4月正式发布,各指引均提到“披露主体应当披露温室气体范围1排放量、范围2排放量,有条件的披露主体可以披露温室气体范围3排放量。”而“范围1、2、3”这些术语来源于WRI和WBCSD的《温室气体核算体系(GHG Protocol)》,本文作者在其他文章中也称其为“WRI指南”,这套规则的优点是清晰易懂、适用性广,但也存在...
Scope 1:根据购买商业燃料数量和排放因子计算Scope 2:根据电表显示用电量和特定供应商,本地电网或其他机构公布的排放因子计算Scope 3:根据燃料用量或飞行里程等活动数据和对应的排放因子计算 5)应用计算工具GHG Protocol网站提供了温室气体计算工具和指南,主要有2类计算工具:跨行业工具以及特定行业工具。 图片来源:GHG...
Scope 1 & 2 GHG Emissions Inventory Customized Professional Services OfferingsAccounting for your greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is a foundational step in understanding your company’s environmental impact and is necessary to inform your climate strategy. Overview Key Definitions Deliverables G&A has...
three scopes, distinguishing direct emissions from indirect: Scope 1 are the direct emissions from an organization's facilities; Scope 2 are the indirect emissions from purchased electricity, steam, heating or cooling; and Scope 3 are the indirect emissions related to upstream and downstream ...
What are scope 1 2 3 emissions GHG protocol ? Emissions are categorized into three broad scopes: Scope 1: All direct GHG emissions. Scope 2: Indirect GHG emissions from consumption of purchased electricity, heat or steam. Scope 3: Other indirect emissions, such as the extraction and production...
What are scope 1 2 3 emissions GHG protocol ? Emissions are categorized into three broad scopes: Scope 1: All direct GHG emissions. Scope 2: Indirect GHG emissions from consumption of purchased electricity, heat or steam. Scope 3: Other indirect emissions, such as the extraction and production...
GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance範疇二指引 範疇二指引取代企業標準中範疇二的標準與指引,因此採用企業標準報告溫室氣體排放應遵守範疇二指引所有新要求。範疇二指引中含要求(Required)之章節分別為第三章、第五章、第六章、第七章及第九章: 第三章 會計與報告原則 ...
Nootrol provides a SaaS solution that applies GHG Protocol Standards based Carbon Accounting (Scope, 1, 2, 3) across your entire supply chain
第一版標準建議申報 Scope 1&2。 3.一些額外的指引,已內含到盤查的規劃中,例如:信用額度的買賣、排放的辨 識與計算、盤查品質與驗證等。 4.第一版標準與 4 項計算工具均經 KPMG 審慎檢視過,以確保第三者可以獨立驗 證。 4.4 GHG Protocol 之企業會計標準與指引的第二版,目前正進入了最後的定稿階 ...
By Nathalie IeongNo comments yetARaymond,boundaries,carbon footprint,data collection,factory,GHG protocol,Industry,ISO-14064,Paris Agreement,Scope 1,Scope 2,Scope 3 How can TERAO help you to assess your carbon footprint? Discover this case study for an automotive- and solar-related company in Ch...