Sample Product Standard GHG Inventory Reporting Template.pdfStandard, Product
基准年排放量 排放量 范畴 1 范畴 2 范畴 3(选填) 总量 (mtCO2e) CO2 (mt) CH4 (mt) N2O (mt) HFCs (mt) PFCs (mt) SF6 (mt) 核算方法及排放因子 除温室气体核算体系(GHG Protocol)涉及的方法以外,用于计算或测量排放量的方法.(请为所有非温室气 体核算体系内的核算方法提供计算工具的参考来源或...
Waste: Aims to reduce emissions, such as methane (CH4), from water treatment plants, but also emission from food waste and other disposal substances. NDCs should include not only CO2emissions but also CH4, nitrous oxide (N2O), and gases and aerosols that fall under the Montreal Protocol (see...