emission-factors-hub. Accessed April 2023. Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (2023). 2023 Government GHG Conversion Factors for Company Reporting. CO2 emissiefactoren (2023), emissiefactoren/ ...
Environmental Action Plan (Stage XI) performance values for the reference year (FY2020) and FY2023 are the total values for business sites targeted by the Environmental Action Plan (Stage X). (*5) CO2conversion factors of purchased electricity are market standards for both the reference year (...
The carbon costs of global wood harvests Article Open access 05 July 2023 Commercial afforestation can deliver effective climate change mitigation under multiple decarbonisation pathways Article Open access 22 June 2021 Economic factors influence net carbon emissions of forest bioenergy expansion Arti...
Conversion factors for motorized sources were divided into three categories based on cylinder capacity: small (mopeds/scooters up to 125 cc), medium (125-500 cc), large (over 500 cc) motorbike. In the case of Vietnam, most mopeds and scooters we observed on the road had a cylinder...
Technical Conversion Factors for Agricultural Commodities (FAO, 2003); Chepeliev, M. Incorporating nutritional accounts to the GTAP Data Base. J. Glob. Econ. Anal. (2022). Food ...
(2023) 30:88180–88196 Table 2 Factors and values used in the estimation of CH4 emission from paddy cultivation Factor Value Reference Source Annual harvested area (ha) Cultivation period of rice (days) Baseline emission factor for continuously flooded fields without organic amendment (...
The FuelEU Maritime regulation defines default well-to-tank and tank-to-wake emission conversion factors for various fuel types, production pathways and onboard energy converters. Fossil fuels must use the default values for well-to-tank GHG emissions and for tank-to-wake CO2 em...
(2018). The provided data are the hourly CO2-eq emission factors, and the hourly conversion factors for the cumulative energy demand and its non-renewable part for the Swiss electricity mix over one year. These data have been assessed on the basis of an inventory of the technology used for...
2011GuidelinestoDefra/DECC'sGHGConversionFactorsforCompanyReporting ProducedbyAEAfortheDepartmentofEnergyandClimateChange(DECC) andtheDepartmentforEnvironment,FoodandRuralAffairs(Defra) Status:Final Version:1.0 Updated:07/07/2011 Key:Datafields: lightblue=Dataentryfield ...
11 and various intensity factors (see Supplementary Note 9). No explicit offsets were considered for this study other than electricity generation. Offsets such as fertilizer from AD or composting would already be accounted for by the total amount of fertilizer applied to crops, and offsets for ...