以上的信息,其实是可以通过与材料A供应商的沟通而得到的(实务中要更复杂,涉及到很多的谈判,沟通,合同,法律法规,信息系统的构建及信息的传输等等,但是基本概念就是这样)。所以最好的情况下就是知道这些信息,然后问供应商S1,S2,S3找到原材料生产的conversion factors。很容易就能够算出A的emissions。但是现实中其实很多...
Environmental Action Plan (Stage XI) performance values for the reference year (FY2020) and FY2023 are the total values for business sites targeted by the Environmental Action Plan (Stage X). (*5) CO2conversion factors of purchased electricity are market standards for both the reference year (...
The carbon costs of global wood harvests Article Open access 05 July 2023 Commercial afforestation can deliver effective climate change mitigation under multiple decarbonisation pathways Article Open access 22 June 2021 Economic factors influence net carbon emissions of forest bioenergy expansion Arti...
2011GuidelinestoDefra/DECC'sGHGConversionFactorsforCompanyReporting ProducedbyAEAfortheDepartmentofEnergyandClimateChange(DECC) andtheDepartmentforEnvironment,FoodandRuralAffairs(Defra) Status:Final Version:1.0 Updated:07/07/2011 Key:Datafields: lightblue=Dataentryfield purple=Fixedfactorsusedincalculations yellow...
The provided data are the hourly CO2-eq emission factors, and the hourly conversion factors for the cumulative energy demand and its non-renewable part for the Swiss electricity mix over one year (2016 and 2017). These data have been assessed on the base of an inventory of the technology us...
Technical Conversion Factors for Agricultural Commodities (FAO, 2003); https://www.fao.org/fileadmin/templates/ess/documents/methodology/tcf.pdf Chepeliev, M. Incorporating nutritional accounts to the GTAP Data Base. J. Glob. Econ. Anal. https://doi.org/10.21642/JGEA.070101AF (2022). Food ...
The FuelEU Maritime regulation defines default well-to-tank and tank-to-wake emission conversion factors for various fuel types, production pathways and onboard energy converters. Fossil fuels must use the default values for well-to-tank GHG emissions and for tank-to-wake CO2 em...
i. In previous versions of the conversion factors, emissions factors have only been provided for CO 2 . The 2009 update provides emissions factors for the non-CO 2 greenhouse gases methane (CH 4) and nitrous oxide (N 2 O) as well, based upon the emission factors used in UK Greenhouse ...
A number of factors have been identified that influence energy use and GHG emissions. First, materials use energy Acknowledgements We thank the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) of the Government of India, the Asia Pacific Network (APN), and Enel foundation for providing financial ...
(2018). The provided data are the hourly CO2-eq emission factors, and the hourly conversion factors for the cumulative energy demand and its non-renewable part for the Swiss electricity mix over one year. These data have been assessed on the basis of an inventory of the technology used for...