1. O'CONNELL, M.D., LILY KAYE, PHARM.D., and JOHN J. PLOSAY III, M.D.Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate (GHB): A Newer Drug of Abuse.Am Fam Physician. 2000 Dec 1;62(11):2478-2482. 2. Duer WC,Byers KL,Martin JV. Application of a convenient extraction procedure to analyze gamma-hydroxybutyr...
参考文献 [1]Katherine L.Nicholson, Robert L.Balster.GHB: a new and novel drug of abuse.Drug and Alcohol Dependence Volume 63, Issue 1, 1 June 2001.https://doi.org/10.1016/S0376-8716(00)00191-5. [2]平菁.亲密关系中的暴力:解读熟人强奸.西南农业大学学报(社会科学版),第 4 卷第 4 期,...
参考文献: [1] Shbair M K S, Eljabour S, Lhermitte M. Drugs involved in drug-facilitated crimes: Part I: Alcohol, sedative-hypnotic drugs, gamma-hydroxybutyrate and ketamine. A review[J]. Annales Pharmaceutiques Françaises, 2010,68(5):275-285. [2] 陈文浩, 王忠, 谢雯, 等. γ-羟基...
它不像传统毒品那样由持有者本人吸食,而是作为一种犯罪工具来取得更复杂的快感……这类毒品在欧美国家有一个直白的名字——约会强奸药(date rape drug)。 看这名字,大概也知道是什么药性了。 01 去年6月,海南三亚市警方成功端掉一个运毒团伙,抓获犯罪嫌疑人5名,查获新型毒品“咔哇潮饮”41瓶。
Common or street names: Circles, Date Rape Drug, Forget Pill, Forget-Me Pill, La Rocha, Lunch Money, Mexican Valium, Mind Eraser, Pingus, R2, Reynolds, Rib, Roach, Roach 2, Roaches, Roachies, Roapies, Rochas Dos, Roofies, Rope, Rophies, Row-Shay, Ruffies, Trip-and-Fall, Wolfies...
图为禁毒图片 GHB是什么? GHB,它的全称是Gamma-hydroxybutyrate,中文名称“伽马-羟基丁酸酯”,是一种无色、无嗅、无味液体、也有白色粉末、药片、和胶囊等剂型,是属于中枢神经抑制剂,是一种人工合成的抗抑郁药物和镇静类型的药物。GHB进入人体后,能够减缓大脑和中枢神经之间的消息传递;在小剂量服用的时候,它是一种...
Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB), also known as 4-hyrdroxybutanoic acid or y- hydroxybutyrate, is a neurotransmitter (chemical messenger in the nervous system) as well as a psychoactive drug. This depressant is being prescribed as a treatment fornarcolepsy. GHB is illegally used as a date rape drug...
GHB Drug Information Gamma-HydroxyButyric Acid (GHB) Classification GHB was first developed as an anesthetic but its use was discontinued due to the adverse and unpredictable effects. However, GHB is readily available and used in Europe as a sedative. The salt form of GHB has been marketed in ...
GHB (Gamma-HydroxyButyric acid)说明书 G, GHB, one4b, liquid ecstasy, fantasy GHB is a hypnotic sedative drug known by many people for its use in rape and sexual assaults. It generally comes either as a powder in a capsule or as a clear, salty liquid sold in small bottles mixed ...