Adolescents, particularly girls residing in rural parts of developing countries, are confronted by a heightened susceptibility to reproductive health problems, including STIs, unintended teenage pregnancies, unsafe abortion practices, multiple sexual partnerships, as well as instances of sexual harassment and...
Girls who are in the wrong company don’t need a reason to start a fight. She is used to seeing her friends fight and is always willing to get involved. These are the kind who easily tease the other, mockingly laugh at fellow girls or even initiate the odd shoving. Call them bloodthir...
62. You’re always there for me when I need your help with anything, no matter how small or big. 63. You look so good you make all the girls in the room jealous of me. 64. You’re such a smooth talker. I hope you don’t go talking to all the girls you know this way. 65....
Although the majority of the migrants were young, single and childless, there were many married women as well as women who had at least one child (Table 1). The second part of the field study took place in the Savelugu-Nanton district of the Northern Region of Ghana. Here, 181 ...