Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC)Ghana enacted the Petroleum Revenue Management Act (PRMA) (Act 815), with the objective of, inter alia, monitoring the use of petroleum revenue. Whereas the PRMA has helped stem the wastage and misappropriation of petroleum revenue, there have been ...
Internal Revenue (Registration of Businesses) Act, 2005 (Act 684) National Fiscal Stabilisation Levy Act, 2013 (Act 862) as amended Revenue Administration Act, 2016, (Act 915) as amended Special Import Levy Act, 2013 (Act 861) as amended Special Petroleum Tax Act, 2014, (Act 879) as...
Georgette Sakyi-Addo, President of Women in Mining, an advocacy group in the sector, said the proposed law was a necessity just like the Petroleum Revenue Management Act (PRMA).
"I think hedging indirectly is part of the Petroleum Revenue Management Act (PRMA), Act 815. But this is an area that we ought to be very careful when we go into it. If we are not very careful and we rush into hedging for hedging's sake, that can bring more risk to the economy....
Also, the NDC government's deliberate contravention of provisions of the Petroleum Revenue Management Act, $FWRI E\PRUWJDJLQJRXURLOIRUORDQVZKRVH UHSD\PHQW LV EH\RQG WKH VWLSXODWHG \HDUV DOORZHG by law) is a clear indication of the abuse ...
February 1960 Industrial Relations Act; collective bargaining; Mine Workers Union; Construction and General Workers Union; Government Construction and Public Works Union; Oil and Petroleum Workers; Ghana Trades Union Congress. March 1960 National Council of Government Trade Unions; Ghana Trades Union ...
Ghana Petroleum Funds About Petroleum Funds, Governance Framework, Revenue Management Acts, Risk Management Framework, Investments Objects, Financial Statements, Semi-Annual Reports, FAQs FinTech & Innovation Licence Categories, Licence Requirements, Start License Application Here, Approved Institutions, Pub...
Total Petroleum, in its financial statements, discloses the amount for “donations” in the category of general and administrative expenses in its financial statements (the annual reports are available at In its financial ...
In Ghana, even though there are several national documents, such as the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2016, Forest and Wildlife Policy 2012, Land Use and Spatial Planning Act 925, and Petroleum Exploration and Production Act 919, that highlight the conservation of natural resources...
Nevertheless, although their cooperation has sometimes been nicknamed COPEC, in reference to the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), cocoa is a very different product than crude oil. Cocoa output cannot easily be adjusted as it is the outcome of millions of individual farmers...