PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a grinder capable of grinding a waste material of foamed urethane simply and efficiently even in a state that a vinyl chloride resin sheet is bonded by merely charging the waste material of foamed urethane and capable of reducing the volume of the waste materia...
返回 王紫璇xk 公开 王紫璇xk 18-5-17 23:25 来自iPhone 7 Plus 100天 同时转发 评论
地点:南滨路阳光100两江壹号四楼从餐前小食 到各种菜品 再到主食和甜品的供应 颠覆了传统重庆火锅的模式 使火锅变得更有层次感和仪式感 锅底是红汤锅底+松茸清汤锅底 澳洲和牛及海鲜涮清汤汤底 沾海鲜酱油很不错 整顿下来印象最深刻的就是和牛在包房和大厅都可以欣赏夜景 来福士 ...展开全文c ...