Glucagon stimulation test with a peak GH level less than or equal to 3.0 ng/mL in members with a body mass index (BMI) less than or equal to 30 kg/m2and a high pretest probability of GHD (e.g., acquired structural abnormalities) or a BMI less than 25 kg/m2; Glucagon stimulation te...
This argument, however, has been difficult to test by selective deletion of TR-␣2 because TR-␣1 is markedly overexpressed in TR-␣2Ϫ/Ϫ mice, thereby confusing phenotypic interpretation (160). To investigate this issue further, mice devoid of all known TR-␣ isoforms were ...
In order to facilitate a comprehensive physiological interpretation of proteome changes in the liver, clinical-chemical analyses of serum and targeted metabolomics of serum and liver tissue were additionally performed. 4.2. Increased degradation of amino acids DAVID GO analysis revealed an annotation cluste...
In fact, if the result of one GH stimulation test is normal, the abnormal result of the second test should be considered as a false-positive. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that obtaining a false positive result (e.g., decreased GH peak in a GH-sufficient child) in one test ...
The second group of problems consisted of new research areas, mainly related to selection the children with short stature for genetic testing and to interpretation of genetic tests. The authors stressed the necessity of accurate and repeated auxological assessment of the patients, with special ...
However, these bioinformatic tools are not a comprehensive solution to solving the complicated problem of variant interpretation and require to be complemented with the use of experimental approaches such as in vitro and when needed, in vivo functional assays in order to determine the true nature of...