Changing the order of items in the legend This changes the order of items to trt1, ctrl, trt2: bp + scale_fill_discrete(breaks=c("trt1","ctrl","trt2")) Depending on how the colors are specified, you may have to use a different scale, such as scale_fill_manual, scale_colour_...
You also seem to want black borders, this means I deleted allcolour=since that specifies the colour of the borders. I've added ascale_fill_brewer, there are more color palettes available. Within this you can specify your legend title and the appearance of your legend labels. These need to...
To place a common unique legend in the margin of the arranged plots, the function ggarrange() [in ggpubr] can be used with the following arguments: common.legend = TRUE: place a common legend in a margin legend: specify the legend position. Allowed values inclu...
I believe that only things inside of an aes() will show up in your legend. Furthermore, when you specify mappings inside of ggplot(aes()), those mappings apply to every subsequent layer. That's good for your x and y, since both geom_point and geom_text use them. That's bad for s...
df$newLegendColumn <- factor(df$legendcolumn, levels=c(new_order_of_legend_items), ordered = TRUE) #legend.title - 图例标题 #legend.text - 图例文本 #legend.key - 图例背景框 #guides - 图例符号 gg3 + theme(legend.title = element_text(size=20, color = "firebrick"), legend.text =...
2.1 use at least one aesthetic to make legend comes upIf we want a legend, the easiest way is to use at least one aesthetic.That means in aes() we are not only giving x= and y=, we will also specify other argument like color=....
# 绝对条形图: Specify both X adn Y axis. Set stat="identity" df <- aggregate(mtcars$mpg, by=list(mtcars$cyl), FUN=mean) # 计算每个'cyl'对应的mpg变量均值 names(df) <- c("cyl", "mpg")#为数据框增加变量名字 head(df) #> cyl mpg ...
specify the scale of coordinate require(scales) ## Loading required package: scales ggplot(mpg) + geom_bar(aes(x = class)) + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,50), breaks = seq(0,50,01)) ## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (geom_bar). ...
To place a common unique legend in the margin of the arranged plots, the functionggarrange() [in ggpubr] can be used with the following arguments: common.legend = TRUE: place a common legend in a margin legend: specify the legend position. Allowed values include one of c(“top”, “bo...
#Addp-valuescomparinggroups#Specifythecomparisonsyouwantmy_comparisons<-list(c("0.5","1"),c("1","2"),c("0.5","2"))p+stat_compare_means(comparisons=my_comparisons)+#Addpairwisecomparisonsp-valuestat_compare_means(label.y=50)#Addglobalp-value ...