axis.ticks.length.x, # 修改X轴刻度线长度, # 仅修改顶部X轴刻度线长度 axis.ticks.length.x.bottom, # 仅修改底部X轴刻度线长度 axis.ticks.length.y, # 修改Y轴刻度线长度 axis.ticks.length.y.left, # 仅修改左侧Y轴刻度线长度 axis.ticks.length.y.right, # 仅修改右侧...
Set axis ticks for discrete and continuous axes x or y axis can be discrete or continuous. In each of these two cases, the functions to be used for setting axis ticks are different. Customize a discrete axis The functions scale_x_discrete() and scale_y_discrete() are used to customize ...
实际上默认是没有x、y轴本身的,有的只是图中间表征数值的白线! 一、常规(图1) 图1 二、 隐去y轴的坐标轴刻度文本(axis.text)即y值(图2) pg_plot + theme(axis.text.y = element_blank()) 图2 三、隐去y轴的刻度线(图3) pg_plot + theme(axis.ticks=element_blank()) 注意:隐去刻度线时,不...
Key ggplot2 theme options to modify the axis line, axis ticks and tick text labels: theme(# Change axis linesaxis.line = element_line(),# Change axis ticks text labels: font color, size and faceaxis.text = element_text(),# Change tick labels for all axesaxis.text.x = element_text(...
bp + theme(axis.ticks = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_blank()) 1. 2. 连续型数据的坐标轴 设置坐标轴的范围和颠倒 # Make sure to include 0 in the y axis bp + expand_limits(y=0) # y轴从0開始 1. 2. # 设置y轴的范围 ...
R语言改变x轴间隔ggplot axis ticks R语言改变x轴间隔ggplot axis ticks 介绍 在使用ggplot绘制图表时,默认情况下,R语言会根据数据的范围自动确定x轴的间隔和刻度标签。然而,在某些情况下,我们可能需要手动控制x轴的刻度间隔和标签,以更好地展示数据。本文将介绍如何使用ggplot和R语言来改变x轴的间隔和刻度标签。
axis.ticks=element_blank(), text= element_text(family ="sans"), axis.title= element_text(color ="gray30", size =12), axis.text= element_text(size =10, color ="gray30"), plot.title= element_text(size =14, hjust = .5, color ="gray30"), ...
1 I'm plotting a dataset a little over three months long with a data each half hour. So in my dataframe I have a datetime vector with the format%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS- year, month, day, hour, minute, second. I want just to set the ticks on the x-axis each fiveteen days. I tri...
(show.legend = FALSE, alpha = 0.8) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5), axis.ticks.x = element_blank()) + labs(x = "Bottle Color percentages", y = "Relative importance in principle component", title = "What color accounts for most variation...
axis.line相关的参数共有7个,分别调整:四边整体、上下两边、左右两边、上下左右四条边分开,可以用来控制坐标轴的线条类型 axis.ticks, axis.ticks.length用来调整坐标轴的刻度线的外形和长度 axis.text相关的参数共有7个,可以用来控制坐标轴的刻度标签 axis.title.x, axis.title.y坐标轴标题 ...