ggplot(data = iris, mapping = aes(x = Sepal.Length, y = Sepal.Width, shape = Species, color = Species)) + geom_point() 我们使用geom_point()绘制点图。 在美学中,我们定义x轴表示萼片长度,y轴表示萼片宽度; shape = Species和color = Species每种特定的花用不同的形状和不同的颜色。 散点图...
p + ggtitle("Scatter Plot with Multiple Y Variables") + # 设置图表标题 xlab("X Variable") + # 设置x轴标签 ylab("Y Variables") + # 设置y轴标签 theme_minimal() + # 使用简洁的主题 theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey80")) # 设置网格线颜色 完整代码如下: R librar...
You have seen many before and have probably even drawn some by hand.A scatterplot represents eachobservationas a point (•), positioned according to the value of two variables.As well as a horizontal and vertical position, each point also has a size, a colour and a shape. These attribute...
ggscatterstats() scatterplots for correlation between two variables ggcorrmat() correlation matrices for correlations between multiple variables ggpiestats() pie charts for categorical data ggbarstats() bar charts for categorical data ggcoefstats() dot-and-whisker plots for regression models and meta...
- Accepts X,Y and Z data as arrays, matrices or cells of arrays- Accepts grouping data as arrays or cellstr. Gramm works best with table-like data: separate variables/fields/columns for the variables of interest, with each variable having as many elements as observations. - Multiple ways ...
Finally, we can use our long data to draw a ggplot2 graph containing multiple lines as shown below: ggp2<-ggplot(data_long,# Create ggplot2 plotaes(x=x, y=value, color=variable))+geom_line()ggp2# Draw ggplot2 plot As shown in Figure 2, the previous R programming syntax created a...
Facets divide a ggplot into subplots based on the values of one or more categorical variables. When you are creating multiple plots that share axes, you should consider using facet functions from ggplot2 You write your ggplot2 code as if you were putting all of the data onto one plot, and...
5-correlation-of-discrete-variables_files 50-51-52-scatter-plot-with-ggplot2_files 59-nifty-graph_files 6-graph-parameters-reminder_files 70-boxplot-with-categories-on-multiple-lines_files 71-split-screen-with-par-mfrow_files 73-box-style-with-the-bty-function_files 74-margin-...
First, set up the plots and store them, but don’t render them yet. The details of these plots aren’t important; all you need to do is store the plot objects in variables. library(ggplot2)# This example uses the ChickWeight dataset, which comes with ggplot2# First plotp1<-ggplot(Chi...