Why I do not have all the curves in my graph? only a few of them appear. How to add only the cluster legend to my graph? How to not have different line types? (a solid line type is fine for all the curves). Thank you My Code: transposed_data <-t(Rank_Cum_Xp_Sorted[,-c(nc...
ggplot(iris, aes(x=Sepal.Length,colour=Species,label=Species))+geom_textdensity(size=6,fontface=2,hjust=0.2,vjust=0.3)+theme(legend.position="none") Note that we have been able to “reclaim” the space normally taken up by the legend without leaving any ambiguity in the plot. geom_text...
(x = x, y = y), inherit.aes = FALSE ) + geom_circle( data = get(data("ghost_eyes", package = "ggpacman")), mapping = aes(x0 = x0, y0 = y0, r = r, colour = part, fill = part), inherit.aes = FALSE, show.legend = FALSE ) + facet_wrap(vars(dir...