dotplot(ego)+scale_y_discrete(labels=function(x)str_wrap(x,width=40)) scale函数处理legend 考虑一个相对复杂的情况,有些时候过长的labels是出现在legend中,而且str_wrap只在有空格的地方才会折叠,那么一个很长的没有空格的字符串需要如何处理才能折叠? 首先在legend中也是同样的处理,只不过根据此legend映射...
p+theme(legend.title=element_text(colour="blue",size=10, face="bold")) # legend labels p+theme(legend.text=element_text(colour="blue",size=10, face="bold")) 设置legend 背景色 #fill设置legend box背景色,colour设置边框颜色 p+theme(legend....
4.3 更改标签名称 4.3.1 使用scale 函数对标签名称进行更改 p5 <- p2 + scale_color_discrete(name="scale change \n Legend", breaks=c("setosa" ,"versicolor","virginica"), labels=c("Species 1", "Species 2", "Species 3") ) p5 4.3.2 关于legend的其他设置 p5 + theme(legend.title = eleme...
I am struggling with ggplot to produce the legend of this figure. For now, I am only doing for one map, when it works I'l produce the four maps in the same plot. I would like a legend like this: bottom, title in the center and above the scale, labels and colors, and omit the ...
ggplot is one of the most famous library in R and I use it very ofen in daily workflow. But there are three topics I seldomly touch before: legend, label and font size. One reason is that they are not a necessity in out plot. But I believe it is good to be packed in our back... 命令 生成数据需要aes:geom_point(aes(shape=factor(d kind)),size=3) 修改text: 如果是通过fill分组,scale_fill_discrete(labels=c('interaction effect','main effect')) ...
legend.key.width = unit(1,"cm") ) image.png 添加legend的外边框 p + theme( legend.background = element_rect(color = "blue", linetype = "solid", size = 1) ) image.png 修改标签 (labels) 和顺序 (order) # 修改的是box的顺序 ...
labels=c("A & B & C","A & C","B & C","C")) p1 # shape 与 colour 单独分开的场景 b <- mutate(b,new = co) p <- ggplot(b,aes(x=id,y=a,color=new,shape = new))+geom_point(size=2) p2 <- p + ggtitle(label ="shape colour")+ theme(plot.title = element_text(lin...
labels = c("Mar—May", "Jun—Aug", "Sep—Nov", "Dec—Feb") ) + theme(legend.title = element_text( family = "Playfair", color = "chocolate", size = 14, face = 2 )) 7.9改变图例的背景 要更改图例键的背景颜色(填充),我们调整主题元素legend.key的设置: ...
设置legend position 使用theme() 参数设置legend位置 # 可选参数为“left”,“top”, “right”, “bottom”. p + theme(legend.position="bottom") # 数值向量 c(x,y) 调控位置 p + theme(legend.position = c(0.8, 0.2)) 更改legend 的title , font styles ...