A ggplot Memo: Legend, Label and Font Size 1. Introductionggplot is one of the most famous library in R and I use it very ofen in daily workflow. But there are three topics I seldomly touch before: legend, label and font size.
description = "Gentoo penguins are generally bigger in size"), size = 1.5, label.fontsize = 36 ) + labs(x = "Flipper Length [mm]", y = "Body Mass [g]", colour = "Species", shape = "Species") + theme_gray(base_size = 33) pngfile <- fs::path(knitr::fig_path(), "themin...
bp + font("x.text", size = 10), ncol = 1, nrow = 2) annotate_figure(figure, top = text_grob("Visualizing mpg", color = "red", face = "bold", size = 14), bottom = text_grob("Data source: \n mtcars data set", color = "blue", hjust = 1, x = 1, face = "italic",...
Length, fill = Species)) + geom_boxplot() + geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 4), color = "blue", size = 4/lwd_pt) + geom_text(x = 1, y = 7, label = "fontsize = 10", size = 10/.pt) + labs(title = "data = iris") # ggsave(filename = "./pt.pdf", width = 6, hei...
geom_text()函数可用于映射的美学参数(aesthetics):x、y、label、alpha、angle、colour、family、fontface、group、hjust、lineheight、size、vjust;其中label为必须参数。 p + geom_text(aes(label = vs, vjust = 1, hjust = "outward")) parse:逻辑型参数;若设为TRUE,则label参数的内容遵循plotmath的编译规...
label_fontface = "plain", label_colour = "blue") label_x和label_y参数可以移动标签, 另外可以通过hjust和vjust参数进行矫正。例如,将标签摆在左下角: plot_grid(plot.mpg, plot.diamonds, labels = "AUTO", align = 'h', label_size = 12, ...
# 对于主题元素来说,字体大小(size)的单位为磅(pt) # 要设置文本几何对象的外观,只需设置其文本属性即可 p+annotate("text",x=15,y=53,label="Some text",size=7,family="Times",fontface="bold.italic",colour="red") p+geom_text(aes(label=weightLb),size=4,family="Times",colour="red") ...
p2<-dotplot(go, font.size = 10, title="GO Dot plot", label_format= 50, showCategory=20) p2 #使用ggplot2包做个性化调整; #设置x轴范围,避免点的溢出绘图区; p3<-p2+scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0.025, 0.1), breaks= c(0.025,0.05,0.075, 0.10), ...
p+geom_label(data=annotation,aes(x=x,y=y,label=label),color="blue",size=5,angle=60,fontface="bold") 如果待注释的text太多,可使用ggrepel包解决标签太多导致的重叠问题 ggplot2-plotly|让你的火山图“活”过来 2.2 点注释 1)添加点 代码语言:javascript ...
subtitle="Boxplot R-ggplot2 Exercise",caption='Visualization by DataCharm')+#添加图序号(a)geom_text(x=2.4,y=2.3,label='(a)',size=8,family='Times_New_Roman',fontface='bold')+theme(text=element_text(family='Times_New_Roman'),axis.text=element_text(family='Times_New_Roman',size=13,...