barplot(data$y,# Base R barchart with manual y-axisylim=c(0,15)) As shown in Figure 2, the previous syntax created a barplot with a y-axis ranging from 0 to 15. Example 2: Increase Y-Axis Scale of Barchart Using ggplot2 Package In Example 2, I’ll illustrate how to change the...
# Allow Default X Axis Labels ggplot(economics, aes(x=date)) + geom_line(aes(y=returns_perc)) + labs(title="Time Series Chart", subtitle="Returns Percentage from 'Economics' Dataset", caption="Source: Economics", y="Returns %") library(ggplot2) library(lubridate) theme_set(theme_bw()...
5.4 条形图(Bar Chart) 6 变化(Change) 6.1 时间序列图(Time Series Plot) 6.1.1 数据帧中的时间序列图 6.1.2 时间序列图对于月度时间序列 6.1.3 时间序列图对于年度时间序列 6.1.4 长数据格式的时间序列...
# Scatterplot# 画散点图gg<-ggplot(midwest,aes(x=area,y=poptotal))+geom_point(aes(col=state,size=popdensity))+# 画平滑曲线geom_smooth(method="loess",se=F)+xlim(c(0,0.1))+ylim(c(0,500000))+labs(subtitle="Area Vs Population",y="Population",x="Area",title="Scatterplot",caption="...
# Load the ggplot2 packagelibrary(ggplot2)# Change the command below so that cyl is treated as factorggplot(mtcars, aes(factor(cyl), mpg)) + geom_point() Notice that ggplot2 treats cyl as a factor. This time the x-axis does not contain variables like 5 or 7, only the values that...
# Allow Default X Axis Labels ggplot(economics, aes(x=date)) + geom_line(aes(y=returns_perc)) + labs(title="Time Series Chart", subtitle="Returns Percentage from 'Economics' Dataset", caption="Source: Economics", y="Returns %") Time Series Plot For a Monthly Time Series 画月...
())+ scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0,0), limits=c(-100,150), breaks = c(-100,-50,0,50,100,150))+ labs(x="Pairwise interactions", y="Percentage change from\nmonoculture", title ="Synergistic versus non-synergistic\ninteractions")+ scale_fill_manual(values = c("#ff8080","#90b...
annotate("segment",x=2,y=0.4,xend=2,yend=0.5)+ labs(x=NULL, y="Absolute fold change\nin growth from co-cultures\ncompared to monocultures", title = "Average growth fold change in\nco-cultures")+ annotate("segment",x=1.1,y=1.2,xend=1.9,yend=1.2)+ ...
As usual, some customization are often necessary to make the chart look better and personnal. Let’s: add atitle use atheme change color palette. See morehere. customize axis titles # librarylibrary(ggplot2)library(viridis)library(hrbrthemes)# create a datasetspecie<-c(rep("sorgho",3) ,...
In that case it makes sense to collapse it manually and use the axis_combmatrix() function to get a good looking plot. # Percentage of votes for n stars for top 12 genres avg_rating <- tidy_movies %>% mutate(Genres_collapsed = sapply(Genres, function(x) paste0(sort(x), collapse="...