library(ggpubr) # reproducible data set.seed(1) df <- data.frame(x = c(1:100)) df$y <- 2 + 3 * df$x + rnorm(100, sd = 40) # By default showing Pearson R ggscatter(df, x = "x", y = "y", add = "reg.line") + stat_cor(label.y = 300) + stat_regline_equation...
geom_smooth(method=lm, # Add linear regression line se=FALSE) # Don't add shaded confidence region 4.3、散点图添加置信区间区域 ggplot(dat, aes(x=xvar, y=yvar)) + geom_point(shape=1) + # Use hollow circles geom_smooth(method=lm) # Add linear regression line # (by default includes ...
3 设置局部回归的跨度,越大越平滑 #(2)线性回归 p2 <- p + geom_smooth(method = "lm") #linear regression #The gray shading around the line represents the 95% confidence interval. p2 p3 <- p + geom_smooth(method = "lm", level = 0.8) #value of 0.8 represents a 80% confidence ...
(955)# Make some noisily increasing datadat<-data.frame(cond=rep(c("A","B"),each=10),xvar=1:20+rnorm(20,sd=3),yvar=1:20+rnorm(20,sd=3))p<-ggplot(dat,aes(x=xvar,y=yvar))+geom_point(shape=1)+# Use hollow circlesgeom_smooth(method=lm)# Add linear regression linefig<-...
I am trying to add a linear regression line to my graph, but when it's run, it's not showing up. The code below is simplified. There are usually multiple points on each day. The graph comes out fine other than that. b<-data.frame(day=c('05/22','05/23','05/24','05/25'...
Change line colors Change fill colors Change the legend position Use facets Functions: geom_histogram(), stat_bin(), position_identity(), position_stack(), position_dodge(). Scatter plots Basic scatter plots Label points in the scatter plot Add regression lines Change the appearance of points...
Scatterplot with regression line #Add linear regression line ggplot2.scatterplot(data=df, xName='wt',yName='mpg', addRegLine=TRUE, regLineColor="blue") #Add the 95% confidence region ggplot2.scatterplot(data=df, xName='wt',yName='mpg', addRegLine=TRUE, regLineColor="blue"...
("Number of complexes")#linear regression analysis>dat.lm<-lm(complex~degree,data=dat)#add a line and labels for the formula>p<-p+geom_abline(intercept=coef(dat.lm)[1],slope=coef(dat.lm)[2])+geom_text(data=labels,mapping=aes(x=15,y=175,label=formula),parse=TRUE,inherit.aes=FALSE...
x<-c(44.4,45.9,41.9,53.3,44.7,44.1,50.7,45.2,60.1)covariate<-sqrt(x)+rnorm(9)group<-factor(c(rep("A",4),rep("B",5)))my.df<-data.frame(x,group,covariate)# Linear regression fit summary,bydefaultggplot(my.df,aes(covariate,x))+geom_point()+stat_fit_tb(digits=2,p.digits=4)+...
The ggplot() function makes it particularly easy to add fit lines to scatter plots. Simply adding the geom_smooth() function does the trick. ggplot(mydata100, aes(pretest, posttest) ) + geom_point() + geom_smooth() Adding a linear regression fit requires only the addition of “method ...