R语言绘图包05--韦恩图的绘制:ggvenn和VennDiagram R语言绘图包06--基因表达相关性绘图corrplot R语言绘图包07--多集合可视化UpSetR R语言绘图包08--森林图的绘制:forestplot 序列分析图(sequence logo)的序列指的是核苷酸(DNA/RNA链中)或氨基酸(在蛋白质序列中)。sequence logo图是用来可视化一段序列某个位点的保...
大型连续剧韦恩图进阶:使用R语言画upset plot,它又来了!!! 前面用2篇推文介绍了如何使用venndiagram和ggvenndiagram画韦恩图,再用5篇推文详细介绍了使用upsetR和complexheatmap画upset plot。 我本来以为这就够了,但是最近又发现了upset plot的ggplot2版本,本着try to learn everything about something的原则,我又学...
大型连续剧韦恩图进阶:使用R语言画upset plot,它又来了!!! 前面用2篇推文介绍了如何使用venndiagram和ggvenndiagram画韦恩图,再用5篇推文详细介绍了使用upsetR和complexheatmap画upset plot。 我本来以为这就够了,但是最近又发现了upset plot的ggplot2版本,本着try to learn everything about something的原则,我又学...
科研绘图 | 两种韦恩图(Venn diagram)的绘制 单细胞测序 | scRNA-Seq差异分析后的单细胞热图绘制,5...
再来看看这套书里非常多样的阅读文本形式,除了上述纯文字类型的阅读以外,还有:图表阅读...这里用到的是Venn diagram,也就是维恩图。 还有这种文字+统计表形式的...这里的用到的统计表是bar graph,也就是柱状图。 甚至还有海报形式的阅读题... 2 练习
FigDraw 9. SCI 文章绘图之韦恩图 (Vennplot) FigDraw 10. SCI 文章绘图之直方图 (HistogramPlot) FigDraw 11. SCI 文章绘图之小提琴图 (ViolinPlot) FigDraw 12. SCI 文章绘图之相关性矩阵图(Correlation Matrix) FigDraw 13. SCI 文章绘图之桑葚图及文章复现(Sankey) ...
Venn diagram data showed that LGG and CON groups shared 128 OTUs in late gestation and 228 OTUs in lactation periods (Fig. 3D). Bacteroides were predominant in both late gestation (Fig. 3E) and lactation periods (Fig. 3G). Wilcoxon rank sum tests were then used to explore differential ...
A Venn diagram?Really?You--you seriously expect me to make this monumental decision with colored pencils and graph paper?Don't mock. Elliot got an 800 on his math S.A.T.Mm-hmm. Probability, set theory.It's, uh, basically what they do when you join an online dating service.Okay, E...
venn-diagram.html violin.html violin_and_boxplot_ggplot2.Rmd violin_and_boxplot_ggplot2.html violin_grouped_ggplot2.Rmd violin_grouped_ggplot2.html violin_horizontal_ggplot2.Rmd violin_horizontal_ggplot2.html waffle-chart.html web-circular-barplot-with-R-and-ggplot2.Rmd we...
a Venn diagram showing the miR-6359 targets from miRWalk, TargetScan, miRDB database and OP-related genes. b qRT-PCR analysis of suspected miR-6359 targets (SIRT3, SET, WWTR1 and DMD) (n = 3 or 4). c Western blot quantification of SIRT3 expression level in osteoclast precursors ...