Struggling with the unavailability of his mother tongue, Vuong's central writer-protagonist performs multiple acts of translation between the unequal languages of Vietnamese and English and reconfigures both in terms of their foreignness. These acts of translation materialize in a multilingual poetics ...
Integrating reading and writing teaching to improve VNUH-ULIS first year English majored students' writing skills English has been considered as an effective means of communication in social activities. Therefore, teaching English is an important part of Vietnamese edu... TH Trần - H. : Univ...
A03 – Chef / Restaurant Argentina - Tegui, Germán Martitegui (Catapulta) Belgium - Resimont (Generation W) Brazil - Mocotó, Rodrigo Oliveira (Melhoramentos) Canada - Le garde-manger boréal, Jean-Luc Boulay, Arnaud Marchand (Homme) Chile - Liguria, memoria y sabor (La Bonita) Denmark -...