A new framed window appears. For social media, follow the instructions (log in, share button, etc.) on the screen to share the content. For“Embed,”simply paste the code into your website HTML. For“Copy,”paste the GIF link into your desired application. Your social media share, HTML...
A Reddit bot providing an mp4 link/mirror for gif submissions botredditreddit-botgifgfycat UpdatedApr 19, 2019 JavaScript Bulk Downloader for Reddit scraperdownloaderyoutubeimagejpgpngvideoredditimgurmp4youtube-dlreddit-apiimgur-albumweb-scrapinggfycatimgur-apibulk-downloadimgur-album-downloaderbulk-download...
Imgur to Gfycat is a freePhotosExtension for Chrome. You could download thelatest version crx fileand install it. Works with Reddit Enhancement Suite! Chrome extension that replaces gifs hosted by imgur to HTML5-optimized video converted and hosted by gfycat. Gfycat is a gif optimization service...
1. upload a gif to gfycat from a remote location 2. upload a gif to gfycat from the local machine 3. query the upload url 4. query an existing gfycat link 5. query if a link is already exist 6. download the mp4 file Usage: ...
link=domain/link[1:] content_links.append([URL(link),temp_title]) links=post.select( "div[class='bbImageWrapper js-lbImage']") links=post.select("div[class='bbImageWrapper js-lbImage']") forlinkinlinks: link=link.get('data-src') ...