return kmem_cache_alloc(maple_node_cache, gfp); } static inline int mt_alloc_bulk(gfp_t gfp, size_t size, void **nodes) { return kmem_cache_alloc_bulk(maple_node_cache, gfp | __GFP_ZERO, size, nodes); return kmem_cache_alloc_bulk(maple_node_cache, gfp, size, nodes); } static...
allocation within interrupt handlers.GFP_KERNEL will try a little harder to find memory.There's a possibility that the call to kmalloc() will sleep while the kernel is trying to find memory(thus making it unsuitable for interrupt handlers). It's much more rare for an allocation with GFP_KER...
Trac- ing myelin protein zero (P0) in vivo by construction of P0-GFP fusion proteins. BMC Cell Biol 2002;3:29.Ekici AB, Oezbey S, Fuchs C et al (2002) Tracing myelin protein zero (P 0 ) in vivo by construction of P0-GFP fusion proteins. BMC Cell Biol 3:29 View Article...
Colab Demo for GFPGAN ; (Another Colab Demo for the original paper model) Online demo: Huggingface (return only the cropped face) Online demo: (may need to sign in, return the whole image) We provide a clean version of GFPGAN, which can run without CUDA extensions. So that...
【Imagine Dragons 全新 MV《Zero》正式释出】《Zero》作为 Disney 动画电影《无敌破坏王2:大闹互联网》的片尾曲由 Imagine Dragons 创作,而官方刚刚正式发布了全新 MV,视觉效果更贯彻电影独特的有趣风格,亦希望通过 MV 表达电影故事的核心精神初衷。详情请点击:O网页链接 LHYPEBEAST時尚生活雜誌的秒拍视频 ...
都喜欢 //@宫政Gzero:我也想知道 @青春最好时 #青春最好时##宫政青春最好时#哈喽~小时就想问问,无刘海的强哥和有刘海的政政,泥萌爱哪个?@宫政Gzero 9373 101 ñ232 2017-2-23 12:33 来自微博 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 ...
(80, 677) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 280, in main() File "", line 232, in main mel_idx_multiplier = 80./fps ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero
【NEWS ZERO×柯南特别节目:青山刚昌专访】电视节目《NEWS ZERO》4月11日与柯南联动的特别企划中,播出了在青山刚昌老师的工作室里的一段专访。长达4个月的休刊中青山做了什么?新的信息和创作灵感记录在哪里?角色的精彩台词中注入了怎样的情感?今后还有哪些看点?请欣赏熟肉视频吧~ L名侦探柯南事务所APTX的秒拍...
Clearmind_净念零星Zero 2018-5-9 10:25来自微博国际版 根据博士透露的敌方设定… 洗脑…身体改造… 难道说一直与我们为敌的… 其实是修卡??? û 7 12 ñ24 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候......